You Are More Loved Than You Know

Chapter 1: Wallowing Makes Things Worse

Say you are in a crowded room and you spot the girl you like, you want her to notice you right? Well, I have the unfortunate experience, after experience of having them, all go to my brothers. I, Paul Kevin Jonas II, am invisible. Of course, my brothers try and help me out, but it doesn't work. I am the ugly Jonas, the gay Jonas, the one who is a know-it-all. I shouldn't let it bother me, and most times it doesn't....except when we are together, which is pretty much 24/7.

Today is pretty much one of those days where I believe the world is out to get me. It’s Nick’s birthday. I mean, I’m happy for the kid, he’s turning 16, but that means more screaming fans ignoring the glue for the band. At least there is one good thing about this- I can go shopping without getting mobbed, unlike Nick and Joe. I was at a mall in Syracuse, NY, looking around for a good store to get something for Nick when I accidently ran into a girl.

“Oh, I am so sorry miss!” I bent over to help her with her bags, but she shooed me off.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Her soulful brown eyes grabbed me and immediately smiled at her.

“Alright, well let me help you. I’m-“

“OH MY GOD!!! IT’S JOE JONAS!!” Joe came running up to me and this girl rolled her eyes and grabbed both of our hands and started running. The fans came around the corner and I had to keep myself from laughing at Joe’s horror-struck face. We finally lose them after running into the bed and bath department at Macy’s. She let go of our hands and let out a breath that I figured she was holding since Joe came up, seeing that they are now staring at each other. Great, I am a third wheel again.

“I’m Camella, but you can call me Ellie. I’m guessing you are Kevin, the cute, romantic one?”

“Yes I am. What did you call me?”

“You never heard that? A lot of fans call you that.” I was stunned, and apparently, it showed.

“Kevin isn’t used to hearing that.”

“Why?” It was a simple question, but one that was so hard to answer. I mean, I didn’t want to appear as jealous or angry or depressed. I also didn’t want to ruin Joe’s chances with this girl.

“We had a lot of fans hurt his feelings. They call him ‘gay’ or ‘ugly’ and they use him to get to Nick and me.”

“Well, that’s rude! What fans are we talking about, because I haven’t met any people like that? In fact, one of my friends is a big fan of yours.” I think I lost the ability to speak at this point. Joe apparently did too.

“Boys, did you know that the majority of your fans are the ones not chasing you around malls. They are the girls who unselfishly let the fake girls go ahead of them to meet you, the ones who knew all about you since ‘It’s About Time’, and the ones who take the time to support all of you, not excluding one or two of the brothers?”

“No,” we honestly answered.

“Well, then, I need to introduce you to some.”

“Well Ellie, we are having a small benefit concert tonight at the Palace Theater. Afterwards, we are having a party for Nick at our hotel. Would you like to come?” Joe had put on his puppy dog face that no girl could resist, and this time, I actually hope she wouldn’t.

“One: that face is ridiculous, but cute. Two: I would love to go, but on one condition- you let me bring my two best friends.”

“I say that’s fair Joe, what do you think?”

“I agree. Here are three tickets to the show tonight. Then these are your backstage passes, which you will need in order to join us later, so that we can bring you to the hotel. And on this card is my cell phone number.” Ellie laughed at Joe’s attempts to get a date with her, and I joined her.

“You must be an angel because you just fell from Heaven!” I laughed at her pick-up line and she smiled at me. I am beginning to feel like this is a start of a wonderful friendship.

“Joe, where’s your gift for Nick?”

“Well, I was going to get it, but then I was chased by 30 fan-girls, so needless to say, we are sharing your gift.”

“Joe! I have to spot you?”

“Well, not really. You see, I pay you for part of the gift and you put both our names on it.”

“Let me think: no!”
“Boys! How about this, Joe, tell me what you were going to get Nick. I’ll go buy it, wrap it and bring it with me tonight. You can pay me back later.” Joe looked at me, then at Ellie, and then at me again before hesuffocated hugged her.

“Joe, I can’t breathe!” He quickly let go and she smiled warmly at him. Now I knew why I was jealous, I wanted a girl to look at me like that; to let me feel like I am loved. I could see some of those girls head towards us and Joe and quickly said goodbye to Ellie and ran out of the mall before they could find us again.

“You know, I think this maybe a start of a new chapter Kev.”

“Why do you say that Joe?”

“Because, now you’ll get to see that you are more loved than you know.” I turned to look back at the stoplight, shocked by Joe’s wisdom, hoping that for once, it may be right. I should stop wallowing. It makes things worse- it makes me think.