You Are More Loved Than You Know

Chapter 11: A Mini Vacation?

Texas is an amazing state and living here again is amazing. I like the word ‘amazing’ there a problem? Anyway, we live right next to a country club which rocks because we can play golf everyday that we are home. Nick was excited that this house had a separate building, so we were turning that into a studio. Joe was excited about the pool and fitness room we had. Frankie loved the huge backyard we had. Ellie lived across the street and Ashley lived right next door. Steph and Alyssa were moving in today, so we were helping them out. Right now, she should be getting off the plane with all of their possessions. Mom called me in a frantic 2 days ago, stating that they had hardly anything so, dad and I went shopping. We never shopped for a girl before except for gifts, so we dragged Ash along. After her mall incident, she didn’t want to go back, but we had Big Rob with us this time, so nothing happened. We left Ellie at home with Joe and Frankie, which was kind of a bad idea. Let’s just say that things got broken, food was eaten and somehow someone got hurt. Dad wasn’t pleased.

“Kevin? Do you think it’s a good idea to be doing this?” Ally walked in, holding one of Steph’s photographs that she took at some of the parks we played at.

“I think she will love them. They are the nature ones, so if she does get upset, it won’t be as bad.”

“If she does, I am pointing at you.”

“Go ahead. I will take full blame. Now, let’s finish her room before she gets back!”

“KEVIN! Joe won’t let me play the piano.” I sighed and Ally motioned me to take care of it. I followed Frankie into his room as he pouted.

“Frankie, I will talk to him. Joe just needs to learn to let you be. You are nice enough to do it for us when we are working, he should do the same for you.” He nodded and hugged me before playing with his toys. Joe walked past the room and I cornered him in his room.

“Joe, if Frankie wants to play the piano, let him be.”

“I was joking.”

“I know, but he came to me crying. Just try to be a little more understanding.”

“Fine. I will try. Dad called. They will be home in 20.”

“CRAP! Her room isn’t done!”

“I’ll call the girls, you go!” I ran downstairs and grabbed the remaining stuff as Nick ran past me to get more pictures for her room. Ellie and Ash came running in and grabbed the bedding and decorations. I started assembling her bookshelf as Nick hung the pictures, Joe moved the furniture, Ally finished painting music notes and circles on her walls, and Ash and Ellie were decorating. Frankie cleaned up our messes and even vaccumed the rug. As soon as I put the last book on the shelf, the door opened and Ally ran down to greet Steph. Mom came in with a few suitcases and she immediately started to put Steph’s clothes away. Ellie helped her while Joe, Nick and Ash took the remaining boxes and finished decorating the room. We could hear Steph and Ally walk down the hall as we came to an end and we all collapsed on her bed. Steph saw us first and laughed. When we sat up, her eyes became huge and she gasped.

“Oh, my, goodness. How? When? Why?” We all laughed as I pulled her into a tight hug.

Steph’s POV

This week has been so overwhelming, that I was looking forward to moving in and resting. I knew Denise must of made the boys do something, after seeing my apartment, but I never expected this! I gently pulled out of Kevin’s grasp and looked around the room. On the walls were monochromatic versions of my portraits and pictures of my friends and family. They room was a pale rose color with brown accents all over. I could see Ally’s handiwork on the top parts of the walls along with Ash’s creative placement. The rug was so soft and it was brown with pink flecks. My bed was huge! I slept on a fold-out couch for the last 4 years, so this was simply amazing. I had beautiful furniture along with my own t.v. and stereo. I had a huge closet, and a black room. I just started bawling.

“Steph, what’s the matter?” Kevin rushed to my side as I started laughing through my tears.

“It’s everything that I’ve dreamed of and it’s no longer a dream! I am just so stunned.” He chuckled and hugged my while everyone else got up to hug me as well. I think this is when I realized that this was my new family. After all this time, all I really need was a family. A mom and dad to go to who loved me just the way I was, three sisters who looked up to me, three brothers who loved to bug me but I still loved them, and one amazing boyfriend who I help fix himself-somewhat. I had another dream come true. God does things for a reason, so maybe this was his way of saying I passed a test of his. Ally was happy here and I knew I did the right thing.

“Stephie? Do you like your room? I helped paint it.” I picked up Frankie and kissed his cheek.

“I absolutely love it. You did a great job Frankie. I see that you put a couple webkinz in here.”

“I didn’t want you to feel lonely.”

“Aww!” I pulled him into another hug as Joe laughed at Frankie’s expression. It was a mixture of suffocation, surprise and happiness. I let go of him and he let out a huge breath.

“So Steph, I was thinking, we should do that... thing...”

“Real secretive Ellie. Okay, everyone (especially Kevin) out now except for Ellie and Ash.” Kevin groaned as he slowly followed everyone out. As soon as he left, all three of us ran to the computer and started to finish the project.

Kevin’s POV

As weird as this sounds, I don’t feel like we are on a break. We just spent our entire week moving in and tomorrow we were back on the road. A mini vacation? Yeah right Felicia. Joe and Nick were playing Halo and I was drawing. I didn’t even notice what I was drawing until my mom sat down next to me.

“That is a beautiful gown on Steph.”

“What?” I was drawing a wedding picture and my mother saw it. Shoot me now.

“You know, when you are lost in thought, you never know what will be discovered baby boy. You love her, don’t you?” I just nodded my head as she hugged me.

“I love her too, as a daughter and as the girl who stole my son’s heart. She is amazing Kevin. Don’t let her go.”

“I won’t mom. I love her too much to ever let her leave me. She dealt with too much heartache and I can’t seem to function without her.” She nodded and kissed my forehead and went back to the kitchen.

“I know that Steph’s back, but why does everyone have to be so weepy?” I shot Joe a look and Nick smacked him. Ellie came running down the stairs, proceeding to crash into the door, sliding across the rug, jumping over the couch and landing face first into the bean bag chair.

“Ellie, where’s the fire?”

“Watch it Nick. I was just coming to tell you that we are done and we would want everyone to meet us in the theater.” Joe helped her up and he kissed her elbow and she smiled. We all entered the theater and sat down where Steph and Ash were setting up her laptop. We could hear soft music playing as pictures of me and fans appeared. I was still oblivious to what was happening, but I heard Steph’s voice and finally realized what was going on.

“If the world could see past the glitz and glamour, they could see that these three boys are more normal than them. Unfortunately, they can only seem to see two. The third cares more than you think.

“Kevin Jonas is the greatest guy you will ever meet. He is kind and extremely selfless. He is funny and artistic. He is silent, but smiles whenever the fans scream for Joe and Nick. Well today, we are here to show that WE care more than he thinks.” The pictures stop and homemade fan videos appear.

“OMG! I can’t believe this! Kevin Jonas’ girlfriend rocks! She sent this MySpace bulletin to all the fans and I must agree. Kevin Jonas- YOU ROCK! I totally built you a birdhouse and gave it to you at a Chicago show. Well, I gave it to Big Rob, but still! I LOVE YOU!!!”

“K-E-V-I-N. He’s the best and can dance. K-E-V-I-N. He’s the man and we love him!!” They were all like this. Some were plain humorous like one that made me sound like a chipmunk. After the last one played, Steph’s voice came back on.

“This man doesn’t deserve to be 20th on the Unsexy Men of 2008. He is the opposite of unsexy, and not just to me, but to all of these fans. There were more videos, but if I used them all, this video would never end. Kevin is amazing. He knows how to pump up an audience, make everyone happy by just smiling, and is simply the angel that God gave us to teach us how to live. Kevin, this song’s for you.” I started laughing when I heard ‘Hold On’ being played and I squeezed Steph’s hand. For the last month, I haven’t really said much about this and the truth was, it still bothered me. Ash, Steph and Ellie knew better than to believe my false smile. They planned this and it worked.

“Thank You.” They smiled at me and Steph kissed me softly. This mini vacation was the best ever! Now, it’s time to beat Joe in Guitar Hero....