You Are More Loved Than You Know

Chapter 13: What Are They Teaching You?

“Kevy, my teacher said that Santa isn’t real. Is that true?”

“No, it’s not true. Who is this teacher?”
“No one you know...”

“Frankie.” He shuffled his feet in front of me, trying not to spill who told him this. I had a good feeling about who it was though.

“FINE! Joe told me this!”

“He’s supposed to help you with your homework, not telling you these things. Don’t listen to Joe right now. He still wears barney pajamas.” Frankie giggled and gave me a hug as Ashley walked into the room.

“Big Brother, can you give me some advice?”

“I can certainly try. Frankie, could you give us a minute? I promise to talk to Joe later.” He nodded and ran out of the room. Ash sat at my desk and was fiddling with her hands.

“Ash, its okay- you can tell me.” She looked up and sighed.

“Those fans of yours are starting to harass us. They actually went as far as making fun of Steph, but that’s not all. Your ex is leading them.”

“And how am I to advise you on this?!”

“I don’t know! I just needed to get this off my chest! Zoe is making YouTube videos with Miley and Mandy and they are completely ragging on us. We don’t know how to stop this.”

“Zoe is practically unstoppable when she’s with Miley. Why didn’t you say this sooner?”

“Steph said not to worry you. I agreed with her until this morning- when I saw this recent video...Steph hasn’t even seen it yet.” She turned on the video and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Zoe was completely mocking Stephanie and saying horrible FALSE things.

“Kevin, how can we save this? This video already has 400,000 views!”

“We retaliate with our own video, but we need to call a couple of people to help us.”

“Tell me who!”

“Ellie, David Henrie, Alyssa and my brothers.”

“Can’t you call more interesting people?”

“How many people do you want to do this?”

“A lot. No one messes with my mother hen!”

“What are they teaching you?!”

“Who’s teaching me what?”

“Joe, Nick and Ellie.”

“OH! Them! Just to stick up for what I believe in...And pull some hair.”
“Oi.” Ash laughed at me and ran out of the room, probably trying to find Ellie. I looked out my window and watched Steph take pictures of mom and dad. She was so beautiful, even from way up here. She is actually starting to relax more, which is why the rest of us were trying not to let her know what we were doing. Joe and Nick brought in our costume chest while David and Ally set up the camera. Ellie and Ash were “writing a skit”, but it looked like they were goofing off, more than writing. Besides, we never followed a skit...Nick said it was because Joe had ADD.

“Kevin, Frankie said you were mad at me, but I had to tell him the truth!”

“Joe, he’s 7. He needs Santa to be real.”

“I was 7 when I found out.”

“Because you had to camp out all night in front of the tree and rigged the cookies, almost breaking dad’s hand in the process.”

“A kid’s gotta do what a kid’s gotta do. Besides, he asked me.”

“Well, next time say YES! What are you teaching him? Not to believe in things? Next thing you know, he won’t believe in God!”

“Kevin, you are being a bit dramatic.”

“Am I?”

“I’ll fix it later. Right now, it’s revenge time! Zoe is going down...”

“Joe, you just gave me an idea! Nick...get our CD! We are playing ‘Video Girl’.” Ellie jumped on my back and gave me a hug as Joe and Ash did their weird victory dance to ‘Gimme More’. I wasn’t going to ask why or what they were doing, but apparently Ally and David decided to tape it. David seemed to like Ally...hmm. I wonder how Steph is going to react to this.

“OMG! Did you hear? I’m dating a Jonas Brothers! It’s so hot!” Ellie’s impression of Zoe with the pink wig on was priceless! We were all trying so hard not to laugh as she kept acting like ditzy girls and clinging onto all of us. Ash was being Miley and Ally was Mandy. Those three cracked me up. Joe decided to act a little like his Shane Gray character and running away from them. Nick and David had French berets on and acting, quite frankly, like arrogant assholes. Ash put on a crown and Ally had a fake sash on. It was quite a sight. At the end of the video, we all sat down in front of the camera and smiled.

“Don’t mess with her again. She has done nothing to you.” And we stopped it there.

“Now we are going to post it right?”

“I don’t think we should.” Everyone looked at Ally in shock. I wasn’t surprised though, she was raised by Steph.

“We are sinking to her level if we post this. Plus, it would mean that she won. By acting like it didn’t faze us will make her stop this petty battle.”

“But if we do that, she might actually do something worse,” Ellie countered.
“But if she keeps doing this and the fans seeing that we aren’t responding will make them see what a ‘Video Girl’ she is.”

“What is Steph teaching you? I want to take this class!” We all laughed at Joe’s outburst about Ally’s philosophy. As we settled down and really thought about it, Alyssa was right. As much as I hated Zoe for doing this, I couldn’t retaliate the way I wanted to.

“Maybe we should ask dad what we should do.”

“He probably would tell us to do nothing, like we are right now. But that’s was a good idea Nick.”

“What about Denise?”

“Mom would ask dad.” Ellie shook her head in defeat and Joe just sighed. I think we all were thinking one person that could help us, but we didn’t want to involve her.

“We should just ask Stephanie.” All of us stared at David and glared.

“She’s going to find out sooner or later and I prefer sooner so that she doesn’t kill all of us for hiding this from her.”

“He’s right. Steph’s scary when she is pissed.” Ally and Ellie nodded franticly to Ash’s statement.

“I guess I’ll talk to her.” Everyone stayed silent as I left the room to head to the backyard. Mom and dad had already left, going to a dinner with our grandparents. Steph was using up the rest of her roll as I approached her. I made sure I made enough noise so that she wouldn’t freak out when I did touch her.

“You know, I know it’s you coming up behind me just by your presence, no need for the extra noise sweetie.”

“I just have to be sure. I don’t like it when you get scared.” She smiled at me and I felt even worse about telling her this.

“Steph, Zoe made a video about you and really said some horrible things and now some of our fans are believing her. We don’t know what to do.”

“Oh I already knew about that. Big Rob told me this morning. He also told me of your crazy plan, but I see that Ally’s guilt finally kicked in. Sit down, Kev.” I sat down next to her, quite not sure about how I am feeling.

“All we can do is let this run its course until you get asked about it. When you do, which I am sure will happen at one of your next interviews, all you have to say is, ‘imitation is the highest form of flattery’. It will annoy her so much that she can’t do anything. She’ll see that we aren’t bothered about what she said and she can’t continue her videos because everyone knows that they have no effect on us.”

“That makes sense. We were afraid to tell you.”

“You thought I would be upset. I am, but I also know that she wants fame, so she’ll do whatever it takes to get it. Her only source of fame before was you, so she is going to use you again. She hasn’t learned yet, but she will soon.”

“You aren’t going to break up with me, are you?”

“No silly! She’s a crazy ex. We all have them. I am madly in love with you. Nothing will change that, not even a so-called ‘Video Girl’. I do want to know why she has a song and I don’t...”

“I have a song for just don’t know it yet.”

“Fine. Now, let’s go let those crazy kids know that I am not upset.” I helped her up and kissed her softly. I love her so much and I am starting to dram more about marrying her every night.

“Oh, is David single?”

“Why are you asking? I though you said you weren’t going to break up with me.”

“I am asking for Alyssa, she seems to like him.”

“He’s single.” She smirked and I knew what she wanted to do.

“Let him do it.”

“He likes her too!??!! Oh, this is so cute!” I started laughing at her surprise and she kissed me again. I think she is teaching all of us now.