You Are More Loved Than You Know

Chapter 5: Cloud Nine Does Feel Good


It’s been two days, and Ashley was still distant. We got her a new dog tag- we even got it decorated, but she was still hurt. I wish I knew what to do. I think we were all thinking that because none of our efforts seemed to be working. Joe even wrote a funny jingle. I was sitting on my bunk, playing my guitar when Steph stormed right past me. I followed her and she pulled a chair in front of Ashley and sat down. Ash just kept staring out the window.
“Ash, what is really bothering you?”

“I think I am losing my faith.”

“Why?” I sat down next to Steph and she held Ash’s hand.

“Do you think that it’s this hard, being with Nick and getting all this negativity being thrown at me?”

“To be honest with you, yes.” Steph smacked my arm and glared at me. Ash sighed and put her face back into the pillow.

“Ash, he cares for you so much. He is even willing to tell his fans to jump off a criff if they don’t like you. You have nothing to worry about.”

“He is?”

“Yes! I know my brother; he is so close to telling you that he loves you, but he is afraid that you just want to be friends with him. God is with you no matter what. He plans these things out to see what we can do.” Both Steph and I were holding her hand, and I couldn’t help but noticing how close we were. I could smell the raspberry shampoo she used- Kevin, get a hold of yourself!

“Thank you, both of you. I mean, you two have the most caring souls on this planet. I wish I had your selfless attitude. You two are perfect for one another.” She kissed both of our cheeks and went towards the back room. We just stared at each other until Steph got up and put the chair back. She leaned on the chair, her back to me and sighed. I got up and stood right behind her. She turned around and I pulled her against me. We were so close; I could feel her breath tickle my lips. Suddenly, the urge took over and we both kissed each other. I have never felt this way in my whole life. There was this pull and I just wanted to keep her this close to me forever. I was fireworks, heard love songs in my head. Too soon, she pulled away. I looked at her blushing face that was currently looking at her shoes, with renowned interest.

“Finally!” I turned to find Frankie in the doorway, jumping up and down. I could see Steph smiling from the corner of my eye and I couldn’t help smiling either. Steph walked over to him and knelt down in front of him.

“Frankie, could you do something for me? Go to my bunk and grab my notebook.” Frankie eagerly went to her bunk and brought her the notebook. She whispered something to him and he left. She motioned to the nook and I sat down. She sat down next to me and inched closer to me. I was curious as to what she was doing.

“I was going to show you, but I think that this is the one time I have to verbalize what needs to be said.” She looked at me and I couldn’t help but to think that she didn’t want me.

“I want to be with you Kev. Not because you are Kevin Jonas, but because of what you are. I mean, I saw how protective you get of people, how you always know how to make people feel better. You are so caring and loving and you are finally loving yourself. I watch you in awe and I love your smile, your laugh, and your simplest moves. I love hearing you sing, watching you play- I mean, when you kissed me, I never knew what love or passion would feel like until we kissed. I felt like I found what I was finally looking for.” I looked at her and I saw the tears developing in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb in circles, urging her to continue.

“I didn’t think you would find me. I didn’t think I could fall in love or have you fall in love with me. Kevin, you amaze me. I thought at the beginning that you would find me annoying, but you actually came back, like you wanted to be near me. Do you know what I mean?”

“I do, I really do. Stephanie, you were the first girl I encountered that liked me and not my brothers. You intrigued me, still do. You are so, spirited and carefree. I wanted to know more about you. I can’t stay away. You make me want to get better. I wanted to win you.” She was now crying, but smiling. I wiped away a few of her tears and hand my fingers through her wavy hair. I could hear someone clear their throat and I turned to find Frankie standing in front of us again.

“Yes, Frankie?”

“Are you going to ask her out Kevie?”

“*laughs* I was about to.”

“I am sorry! I’ll leave now.” I laughed and I heard Stephanie laughing beside me.

“You won me a long time ago, when you first set eyes on me at the benefit concert.” I turned to look at her and smiled.

“Would you like to be mine?”

“I would love too.” I kissed her again, loving the feeling of being this close to her. I heard someone walk in and gasped. We pulled away; looking at pretty much everyone’s shocked faces, except for Frankie.

“See, I told you guys!” Ellie came up to us and hugged us both. Then it seemed like we were both bombarded with congratulations. I have to admit, cloud nine does feel this good.