You Are More Loved Than You Know

Chapter 8: Are We There Yet?

We were all in need of a major cheer session and unfortunately, it wasn’t one our fans could give us. Sure 5 out 6 really didn’t need it, but it would help. Steph was still out of it- since the trial all she has done was do her job, not talking to any of us. What she didn’t know was that we all could hear her cry at night.

“So, who wants to drive the bus?” Dad came into the back room, where we were all hanging out.

“I will!”

“NO,” was everyone’s response to Joe.

“And why not?”

“The last time you drove the bus, you almost killed us!!!!!!!” Joe was cowering if fear of Nick while the rest of us laughed. I swear- I even saw Steph crack a smile.

“How about I drive?” We all look at Ellie and dad nodded in agreement. We all headed for our bunks and went to sleep. I gave Steph a kiss, gently reminding her that I was there for her. I think it was about 1 am, but I felt her climb into my bunk and I wrapped my arms around her. At around 6, though, we were all awakened by a very loud teenage girl.

“Listen mate, it’s not my fault we’re bloody lost!”

“Ellie dear, where is the map we gave you?”

“I lost it?” Oh boy, this can’t be good.

“Ellie, we were on the highway, how could you get lost? You just follow the big green signs-“

“SHUT UP JOE!” Yep, not good. I let Steph sleep, considering she didn’t have her hearing aids in, and she needed the sleep. I walked to the front of the bus, finding Mom, Joe and Big Rob freaking out. I sat next to Nick and Ash, who looked like they just had been woken up as well. Frankie was eating breakfast and who knew where my dad was at this time.

“Now Joe and Ellie, let’s not argue. We’ll figure out where we are and then we’ll get Rob to drive. Felicia and your dad are calling all the interviewers and press and rescheduling. Right now, we all need to eat and just relax.” Mom was always good at keeping the peace...sometimes.

“How could you lose a map? Let alone not being able to read a sign?!”

“I am sorry Joseph, that I lose things. And it was dark, and seeing that my vision SUCKS, I couldn’t read the damn signs!”

“LET’S stop arguing about this and relax. Steph has stopped crying, Ashley got her new dog tag and Frankie is actually eating and not playing with his breakfast. So what if we’re lost? Let’s take the time to soak in the experience and make the best of it!”

“Kevy! My cereal makes the word ‘dude’!” Ok, so I may have spoken too soon on one part. At least Joe and Ellie weren’t at each other’s looked like they were in each other’s throats though.

“That’s gross. There are some people trying to eat here!” Nick pointed at Frankie, who wasn’t even looking at Joe and Ellie- he was watching Spongebob. Joe and Ellie turned it down a notch so that we could all eat and get ready. I woke Steph up at around 9 and found her actually smiling.


“Hey babe. How are you today?” I watch her read my lips, trying hard not to kiss her senseless right then and there.

“Better than usual. I got to sleep with you and it made me feel better.” I handed her, her hearing aids and she kissed my cheek.

“Thank you. I know it was rough dealing with me for the past week and most guys wouldn’t have stayed with me, but you did Kevin. Thank you so much.” I kissed her gently and helped her out of the bunk.

“You are welcome. Now, here’s something quite funny- Ellie got us lost!” Steph keeled over in laughter and couldn’t help but join her.

“I am glad that you two find it funny. I feel really bad here!” Ellie fake pouted at us, which made us laugh even more.

“Dude! Stop it!” Ellie was trying hard not to join us, but we couldn’t stop.

“Dude-“And she gave in. We were all rolling on the floor in laughter. Nick walked by us and shook his head in embarrassment. Ash had her video camera out and Joe was being a commentator for it. Frankie decided to join us and we just kept laughing. After a good 10 minutes of solid laughing, we finally settled down, finding our band, Felicia, Uncle Josh, and Mom and Dad watching us.

“Are we everyone source of entertainment today?”

“We just came to say that we are on the wrong side of the state we need to be in and that we’ll still be able to make it to the show if we leave now. But- this is a big ‘but’- the Gibson bus broke down, so we are stuck here until tomorrow, so we can’t leave now. We originally had tomorrow off, but we switch today and tomorrow. Enjoy it while it last!” With that, all the adults left.

“See, I told you guys that this would be great! Now, who wants to go explore the beach that we are conviently parked at? Ellie, did you plan this?”

“No, but I liked how this worked out! Race ya to the water Joe!”

“You are so on!” I guess getting lost can be good sometimes.