The Adventures of Super Gabe!

Poor Puppy.

"Super Gabe! Come quick! FANGS UP!" the citizens of Cobraville yelled
Just as the Fangs Up light went off Gabe flew into Saporta Square.
"Did someone call for Super Gabe?"
"Help! Dr.Eagle is trying to steal Gizmo!!" Vicky-T yelled pointing to her poor puppy that was located in the talons of Dr.Eagle
"Don't worry Gizzy I'll get you!" Gabe said and zoomed into the sky

"Let go of Gizmo!"
"Never! Hahaha!" Dr. Eagle cackled
"Super Flying Llama powers.GO!"
"What the?-"
Llama Gabe swooped and bite Dr.Eagle on he's tail.
"Ow!" Dr.Eagle yelped and let go of Gizzy.
"Arfw!" Gizzy yelped falling threw the sky.
"Giz!!" Victoria sighed as she caught her puppy "I"m so happy Gabe saved you!"

Gabe flew down the the street after he turned back to he's human form.
"Oh thank you Gabe! Thank you so much!" Vicky-T said hugging Gabe
"It's all in a days work.Can't let poor Gizzy be Eagle lunch." Gabe said petting Gizmo
Victoria leaned up and kissed Gabe's cheek.
Gabe blushed as another citazen yelled.
"Coming.." Gabe said reluctently leaving Victoria.
♠ ♠ ♠
It' short.
But hm..whatever. haha :)
