The Adventures of Super Gabe!

Nothing can tear us apart.

"So, are you ever going to tell him?" Katy asked.
"I don't know..."
Vicky-T and Katy Perry were currently discussing if Vicky should tell Gabe that she loves him.
"Well you'll have to tell him eventually."
"I suppose your right." Victoria said with a downcast face.
"So, were is your little hunk of super hero love?" Katy asked with a small grin.
"He left earlier to go save some kids that were stuck in a hot air balloon."
"How...odd." Katy laughed as she pictured what Vicky has said.
"Yea...I'm kinda worried.He's been gone for awhile."
"Well, you can never rush saving the world."
"Katy, he's been gone for at least 5 hours." Vicky protested.
In a mad dash Vicky runs to her purse and pulls out her Sidekick 2.
"Stop freaking out...isn't he invincible or something?" Katy rambled.
"No, that's Super Man...not Gabe."

"Hello?" The voice on the other end asked.
"Who is this?" Vicky asked shocked to hear the womens voice.
"This is nurse Loring, may I ask who this is?"
"I'm Victoria Asher, why do you have Gabe's phone?"
"He's a patient at my hospital, I was about to call a family member."
"Is he okay?!" Vicky asked dashing for her keys not paying any attention to Katy.
"As far as we can tell yes, but I can't tell you much unless your a relative." The nurse said in a snotty tone.
"I'm he's...girlfriend."
"Oh, well he'll be fine...maybe two or three days and he will be out of here."
"Can he have visitors?" Vicky asked desperately wanting to see him.
"Yes, please come before 5 o'clock though."

Victoria hung up the phone and hollered back at Katy to not burn down her apartment.
Within 15 minutes Vicky was at the hospital and in Gabe's room.
Luckily he had no severe injuries, he didn't even get burned.

"Gabe! What happened?" Vicky asked while hugging him.
"The 2nd graders hot air balloon field trip blew up." Gabe said as if it was nothing.
"Are you alright? And did anyone die?"
"I'm fine, and no one died." Gabe said smirking.
"Oh thank lord." Vicky said falling into Gabe's arms, "I was afraid I'd loose you."
"Loose me? You could never loose me." Gabe said placing an arm gently on Vicky's back.
"Good." She said kissing him hard on the lips.
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Dude's I have 100 readers *jumps for friggin joy*
Sorry this one is short,lame. and late.
But ya know, everyone is blaming school why not me?
(cause it's the truth ;D)
Haha comment? :]