The Adventures of Super Gabe!

Fire! Fire!

"Super Gabe!! FANGS UP!"
Gabe came flying from the resturant in the direction of the screams.
When he got to the group of people he relized he was at the fire department.
"What? What's wrong?" Gabe asked the crowd.
"FIRE! There's a fire!!" some women screamed.
"Uh, then why isnt the fire fighters taking care of it?" Gabe said rather confused.
"It's the fire department!" the women said pointing to the blaze that was getting larger by the minute.
"What? How?!" Gabe said wide-eyed
"The annual Vegetarian Chili-off!"

"Well what am I suppose to do?"
"Put the fire out, retard." a child from the crowd yelled
"How?!" Gabe said to the kid.
"How should I know? Your the super hero. Spit on it!"
Gabe looked at the kid as if he had 14 heads.
Then he dashed off to the lake.

Once Gabe was at Lake Sass he went over to the edge.
Using he's powers he sucked up half of the lake (leaving enough for the cobrafish, of course).
He used he's super speed to get back to the fire station.
He flew over the kitchen area and realeased the water putting the fire out.
The crowd cheered as Gabe flew each of the fire men out of the now flooded fire department.
Gabe allowed the people to thank him but,politely, accused himself to go back to he's date with Victoria.

Gabe flew back to the Apollo Creed only to be met with an empty table.
He sighed and suffled he's feet as he walked home.
'I really need a dog...' he thought to himself as he entered the lonely apartment.
Without another thought Gabe entered he's room for the night.
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I kinda liked this at first...then towards the end I didn't :[

oh and um heads up Gabe's getting a dog..and as far as I know he dosn't have one in real life soooooo unless he does and I've just not heard I need names.
I have an idea but I"d like to know the readers opinions.

ps: comment and tell me what you like/didn't like.So I can improve :]