The Adventures of Super Gabe!

Sea of Paparazzi

"Gabe!!...GABE WAKE UP!" Ryland yelled to Gabe from the kitchen
"Gabe get up."
Why?" Gabe whined from under he's blanket fort.
"You have to tell me what happened last night!" Ryalnd said as he filled the coffee maker.
"Nothing happened..."
Ryland let out a noise between a scoff and a snort.
"What you don't believe me?" Gabe asked standing right next to Ryland thanks to he's super speed.
Ryland merely looked at him then grabbed the coffee pot to pour the freshly done coffee.
"Well...I did see a naked woman last night." Gabe trailed off fixing he's glass.
Ryland's jaw was ajar when Gabe turned around.
Gabe laughed so hard the hot coffee shot out of he's nose singeing the hairs that resided there.
"Explain." was the only response from Ryland.
"We went to some kooky art gallery for nudes." Gabe said dabbing he's nose with a cold towel.
"Oh...what else?"
"Nothing else...just a dog park."
"Haven't you ever seen 101 Dalmatians?!"
"Yea, but what's your point?" Gabe asked utterly confused
"Roger and Anita meet in a dog park!" Ryland said as if it was simply obvious.
"Dude, why do you know there names?"
"Ugh, never mind..."


"Help help! Super Gabe!!!"
Gabe was in Saporta Square faster than you can say 'Saporta Square'.
"Help, Gabe! The Evil Manray (part man part sting ray) is going to rob the boat on the Sea of Paparazzi!"
"I"m on it!"

"Help! Help!" citizens yelled from their cruise ship as The Evil Manray rocked it back and forth with he's ray tail.
One person that caught Gabe's eye that was on the boat was Victoria.
He swooped down onto the Manray as fast as he could.
He knocked the creature deep within the sea.
Gabe then grabbed the boat from the top and flew it to the boat dock.
Victoria was the first one off the boat.
As expected she ran straight for Gabe.

"Gabe!" she said falling into he's arms "Your my hero."

Then she kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's back!
And I'm going to be updated waaaay more often.