Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Eleven

"Hey, I brought Sleepy Hollow." Aiden waved the dvd in my face as he walked into my house that evening.
"Aiden, first off, what's Sleepy Hollow and second, we need to do our project. It's due the week of the Spring Fling. We can't ju-"
"Shhh." He held his finger to my lips and I stopped talking. "We've been working on this outside of school. We're like half way done, we can slack off for one night, Lai." It had only been a couple weeks now and already Aiden was calling me Lai, which was weird because most people just refer to me as Laila. Only my closest friends call me Lai. I didn't ask where he heard the nickname or if he just wanted to call me that.
"Fine." I said and plopped myself on the couch.
Aiden was already ahead of me and popped the movie into the dvd player connected to our flat screen tv.
"Okay, so is this like...Scary?" I ask, a little nervous because I don't take horror movies well.
"It's not exactly scary. It's more suspencful." He states and pushes the play button on the remote.
The movie starts and I look over at Aiden who is totally getting into the movie but I'm having trouble concentrating so I remove myself from the couch and move to the kitchen only a few steps away. He doesn't notice and continues to watch the movie. I pop a bag of popcorn into the microwave and see Aiden's backpack on the ground. I notice it is unzipped. I spot a spiral notebook with paper sticking out of the top with a bunch of scribbles and ordinary geomertic shapes. I at first think it's just geometry homework until I study it closer and notice what looks like the corner of an eye drawn neatly on the paper. I look at the timer on the microwave. One minute and thirty two seconds. That's enough time. I glance back over at Aiden who is still completely focused on the movie as if he's never seen it before. I quickly and quietly take the blue spiral notebook out of his back pack and lay it on the counter top by the microwave and turn my back to him so if he looks my way, he won't see I've gone through his stuff. I flip open to the first page. There are a few very ornate sketches of flowers you would normally find in the courtyard at the school. The next page was filled with some quick drawings of eyes that were partially torn out, which was the page I had seen sticking out of the notebook. The next page was a drawing of a girl. It was perfect. The details were so exact and the shading was incredible. Her hair was light but shaded very dark in some places, like light was hitting it in some spots and it was straight yet messy making her not look like some plastic barbie doll. Her nose was long and straight, no bump in it at all. Her eyes were colored with a light blue colored pencil and a dark blue colored pencil. The color combined looked like eyes I had seen before. The timer suddenly went off. I stumbled with the notebook in my hands almost tossing it onto the ground.
"What was that?" I heard Aiden's voice. I bit my lip ring thinking of what to do. I turned around with the notebook held behind my back.
"I was making popcorn." I smiled.
Aiden looked from the still beeping microwave to me. Back and forth, back and forth. "I think it's done?" Aiden looked at me confused.
"Oh, I know." I pressed the clear button on the microwave so it would stop beeping. "Watch the movie. It's a good part!" I say exstaticly. I was lying of course, I had never once seen the movie and had no interest in watching a movie that would restrict me from sleeping. But Aiden turned around anyway with a shrug.
I quietly placed the notebook back in his backpack and walked over to the microwave. I looked in through the some what clear door of the microwave to see if the popcorn bag looked like it have popped up enough. I then noticed my reflection in the microwave door. I smiled. I thought I looked pretty today. My hair was straight and looked shinier than usual. My eyes were more made up to bring out the blue in them, and my nose... I stopped and replayed what I had just said in my mind. My nose was perfectly straight. I ran my finger over my nose and felt no bump. I noticed then who the girl in the picture was. It was me. I smiled and felt my heart do a backflip in my chest. My knees felt weak as I took the popcorn out of the microwave and practically fell over on my way back to the couch. I plopped myself next to Aiden again and handed him the open bag of popcorn.
"Thanks." Aiden grinned and started to reach in to grab some popcorn. "Ouch!" Aiden yelled at the heat of the bag and took his hand out. He placed it on the coffee table and looked at me. I looked at him back. His smile was still imprinted on his face as he looked at me. But it soon faded into nothing. I felt sad to see this but then peered at his eyes. They weren't as dark as I had recalled. The light from the television shown on his dark eyes revealing a tint of dark green. They were like stainglass and I loved them. His full lips were parted slightly as he stared at me. When I looked into his eyes I noticed those brooding eyes of his were no longer just looking, but searching. Searching for something in, my eyes. I focused on his lips again, thinking about that picture he drew of me and why he would ever have drawn it in the first place. Did he like me? Was I an inspiration? That picture made me feel more beautiful than I ever thought of myself to be. As I focused on those smooth, light pink lips, I noticed how much I wanted to touch them- to feel them on mine. Every worry and every bad thing that had happened that week, flushed out of my body. There was only me and him. I began to lean foward. I wanted this. But did he? I took the chance anyway. I no longer cared what anyone thought. He didn't meet me half way so I didn't think he was interested. I backed up and shook my head.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. Forget I even tri-" I began but I suddenly felt Aiden's hand touch my cheek. His hand was bigger than the whole right side of my face, and it was warm. But not clamy like I had always hated about guy hands. They were just warm. He leaned closer to me and his lips were touching my ear. I felt his warm breath on my ear, I liked it.
"Don't be sorry." He whispered. I suddenly felt his lips press against mine softly. He opened his mouth slightly and I felt his tongue touch mine. I felt lifeless, as if in a state of euphoria. Then I noticed that I was motionless and felt stupid. I decided I didn't want to stop, not yet. I reached up and put my hand on his chest. I felt his heartbeat increase with every swift move of his tongue against mine. I gave all my attention to his bottom lip. We began to kiss harder and faster. I reached my hand to the back of his head and ran my fingers up his neck and into his hair. This caused him bite my top lip softly and seductivly. He pulled away just as I did. He was breathing hard, almost panting. So was I. I turned away from him and leaned further down onto the couch. I licked my lips, tasting that kiss. He tasted like fresh mint. I wanted to kiss him again. I looked over at him and he turned his head to look at me. His hair was a mess, like he had just gotten out of bed, which made me laugh a little inside. I smiled but said nothing. He smiled back. Our silence was soon currupted by a loud vibrating noice.
"Crap." Aiden said and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I have to go." He sat up and jammed his hand into the bag of cooled off popcorn and grabbed a handful. He swooped up his backpack and twisted the doorknob without looking back at me. "See ya, Lai." He called back and closed the door. I took a deep breath several seconds after he closed the door and stood up. The movie was still playing and I quickly ejected it from the dvd player and ran to the door. I opened it and almost called Aiden back but he was already heading down the street. I closed the door and placed the movie in the case and on the kitchen table.