Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Fourteen

I choke for a minute. I almost want to know how he found out but before I could even explain, but he turns away and walks to his next class. I watch and he flips up his hood and walks through the doors of Mrs. Dawson's History class. The final bell rings just then, but I can't move. I don't even care if I'm late. Instead, I walk into the girls bathroom. It's empty. I find myself a stall at the end of the row and close the door. I sit on the toilet seat, not even caring how many disgusting butt germs are all over it. I place my head in my hands and think. Aiden doesn't deserve to be yelled at. It must of killed him to hear I'm going to the dance with Ricky the day after we kissed. I mean, could it have? Not that I care of course... He couldn't have known before, could he? I didn't even know if he liked me until he said that we wouldn't have worked out. Like he was thinking about it happening... I felt tears form in my eyes but nothing came out. Why was I acting like this? I didn't even like Aiden. That kiss meant nothing, it was out of complete lust, not compassion... I lifted my head out of my hands and looked at the bathroom door. There in black sharpie marker was the perfect handwriting of none other than Jen. "Aiden + Jen." That's all it said. I touched the marker and it smudged a little bit. It had just been written today. It was still drying. I suddenly heard the bathroom door squeak open and two voices emerged into the bathroom. I quietly lifted my feet up so they wouldn't see my feet under the door. I kept quiet and listened.
"So you're going with Aiden to the Spring Fling...How cute. He is pretty hot." Said voice number one, I knew she was talking to Jen.
I peered through the crack in the door at Jen, lathering some hot pink lip gloss and re-applying mascara for what looked like the millionth time that day. "Yeah, he's okay. I mean so many girls have told me he's cute and I guess I just thought that me, being the hottest girl in school, I should go to the Spring Fling with the hottest guy."
I heard a giggle from voice number one. "What about Ricky?"
"Okay so Aiden is the second hottest guy in school. Besides, Ricky's going with that loser art goth girl, Laila Vasser." She makes a disgusted face in the mirror.
"Ew, why?" Says voice number one. I can barely concentrate now because I'm thinking about how they called me goth. I'm so not goth. I'm wearing a blue star printed tank top today. That SO isn't goth. Then I look at my long black died hair, choppy and layered. Okay I know what you're thinking, but seriously, does my hair make me goth? I quickly snap out of my zone mode and listen in on the conversation again.
"-he's picking me up at eight." Jen finishes. Shit, I missed out on why Ricky asked me to the dance. I really wanted to know.
"Oo, la la. Are you going to Jake's after party?" Asks voice number one. I hear her smack her lips together.
"Duh, Carly. Why wouldn't we go?" Jen returns in the most snobbish voice I've ever heard.
Party, at Jake's...We? Does she mean her...And Aiden? Nothing good ever comes out of those parties. And as if my timing couldn't be worse, I slip a little and my head hits the stall door. "Ow" I mouth silently.
"What was that?" Jen says alert.
I cover my mouth and close my eyes.
"It was probably just a bug." Says voice number one, and/or, Carly.
Yeah a bug that's so enormously big it can just ram up against a door hard enough to startle a bunch of stupid girls...Yeah that's what it was. You think that.
"Ew, gross. Let's go." I watch through the door crack as Jen and Carly prance out of the bathroom.
I finally let out a huge sigh and walk out of the bathroom.