Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Twenty-One

Friday evening came along way too quickly. I had looked over my final draft of the report that went along with the project, hoping that Aiden and I didn't do the same part of the project because he wasn't exactly specific on what part he did. I knew the model of sac fungus and the diagram would take the most time though.
When I hopped out of the shower I instantly got a text from my dad saying he would not be home until midnight and that I didn't need to worry about picking Emma up next door because the babysitter was okay with watching her until then. A sigh of relief escaped me. I wasn't too sure I was quite ready for dad to meet Aiden. Especially because we were only friends and I know he's weird about me hanging out with guys. I shut my phone and looked at the glowing clock on the front of it. It was three forty-five. I had fifteen minutes until Aiden showed up. I quickly blow dried my hair and threw on a pair of lounging pants and a Roxy hoodie. As I headed downstairs, the doorbell rang two minutes after four, just like last time. I scurried toward the door and opened it. Before I could even say hi, I was mezmorized by the tall figure infront of me. He was wearing old beat up DC skate shoes, dark washed jeans, an All Time Low hoodie and an olive colored beanie. I probably looked stupid just staring at him. I hadn't even said hello yet.
"...And hello to you too," He said and stepped right past me and into the house. He flung his backpack over his shoulder and dropped it by the couch. I quickly snapped out of my dream mode and closed the door.
"What's up?" I asked and followed him around to sit on the couch.
"Nothing really. You?" He asked and plopped down onto the couch.
"Um, I worked on the project..." I began and then realized I had forgotten to bring it downstairs with me, "Um, I'll be right back I left it in my room."
"Wait," he said as I walked over to the stairs.
"Do you have a computer in your room with internet access?" He squinted and tilted his head.
"Great, 'cause I need to open a file on my email that is project related," he said and walked over to the stairs before I could tell him my room was a disaster and probably had a bunch of dirty clothes all over the floor. I followed him up the stiars and he walked over to the only room with the door open a crack. He pointed toward the room and looked at me.
"Yeah, that's it," I said and scurried infront of him to recover any objects on the floor that shouldn't be seen by a teenage boy, but being the person he is, he followed in right after me. "Sorry about the mess," I said nervously and chucked a pile of dirty bras and panties into my closet and shoved the door closed.
"No problem," he said, eyeballing the contents of my room.
I stopped and noticed my room was as clean as it was going to get for now and hopped on my bed. He, on the other hand, went over to my widescreen Mac laptop and flipped open the lid and signed onto the Guest account. It was silent for several minutes until he spoke.
"Okay, I wrote the report," he said and turned around in the swivel chair to face me, "What part did you do?"
My heart stopped for a moment and I knew we had a problem. "Um, wow. I sorta did the same part," I admitted.
"Are you serious?" He questioned.
I nodded and winced.
He blew out a huff of air that made the dark mess over his eyes spring into the air.
"We can work on it. We have time!" I reassured.
"This is going to take hours, Lai."
"Don't worry, my dad won't be home until around midnight. We can work on this all night if we have too."
"Okay..." He said and turned back around in the swivel chair.
It was then that I had noticed what I just got myself into. I was about to spend a night with Aiden Landon. In my room. Alone...
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cliff hanger... what'll happen in the next chapter?! :D