Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I walked into school that next morning, I had just recalled what had happened between Jen and Aiden. For some reason, I think everyone at school knew by now.
I walked into the main foyer a little late, my alarm hadn't gone off because I forgot to set it last night. Luckily I made it into school five minutes before the first bell. I tucked my hair behind my ear the moment I heard loud chatter. It wasn't normally like that in the morning at school. Everyone was always dreadfully tired and resumed their positions, sleeping on the cafeteria lunch tables and benches in the lobby. Today was different. I didn't know what all the fuss was about until the moment I walked into Tara whose eyes were harsh and narrowed. She walked up to me with that same look and I thought I was about to get a wake up call to the face. I decided to joke around.
"Don't hurt me!" I winced and held a History book up to my face as a shield from Tara.
She didn't laugh, instead she moved the book out of my face and looked at me with caring eyes, "I'm so sorry about what happened between Jen and Aiden, Lai..."
I knew right away that must have been what all the comotion was really about. But I was surprised. Why was this such a big deal to everyone? Jen madeout with like, every guy.
"Tara, if you're talking about the makeout session in the bushes during lunch yesterday, I'm seriously fine. I didn't think it would end up being a big deal..." I trailed on.
Tara looked me straight in the eyes and bit her lip. She looked nervous, like she had something to tell me, but couldn't.
"Uh, I guess you didn't here about the party?" She questioned and looked at her feet.
"There was a party?" I asked. I felt stupid to ask this though because there was always a party at someones house, but why was this one in particular such a big deal?
"Yeah, at Jacob Walker's house," Tara claimed and crossed her arms like she was proud of herself for knowing all the latest buzz around school.
"Well what is so super dooper amazing about it that everyone is staring at me?" I looked around as I asked this and noticed all eyes were still on me, major chatter was still filling the school. I was confused.
Tara twisted a short curly strand of brown hair on the tip of her skinny finger, "well, you see...." She began.
But that's all I needed to hear, because at that moment I saw something I wasn't exactly in the mood to see.
Jen and Aiden came walking down the middle of the lobby. Jen's orangy tanned arm wrapped around Aiden's waist, trailing her hand off to the back pocket of his dark washed jeans. Aiden was just as caring with his arm over her shoulders. Her head nearly met his shoulder when she looked up and kissed him on the cheek and smiled. He did nothing and the expression on his face was something related to feeling apathetic. No smile crept across his face. As they neared me, Jen gave a slight wicked smile in my direction. I saw the the corners of Tara's mouth turn up in an unsatisfied smirk- out of the corner of my eye. I kept my attention on the obnoxious couple when Aiden's gaze locked on mine. I'm was not sure at the time of my expression, but Aiden's apathetic stare soon changed into sadness and dismay. He looked at me for what felt like forever but I'm sure it only lasted a fraction of a second. His head jolted down to look at the floor beneath him.
"Laila!" Tara shouted.
I said nothing but looked at her.
"Laila!" She pointed to my hand near my side. I was clutching the fabric on my dark blue, thin, long sleeved shirt.
I let go the second I noticed the skin on my knuckles was completely white. My shirt was a crinkled mess on the bottom right hand corner. I quickly turned away from the comotion and headed to my locker, then first bell rang just then.