Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Twenty-Nine

It was five when I decided to walk over to Bethany that evening. I knew Gloria wouldn't be around, she said something about taking the trolley downtown for a tour of the city for about the hundreth time she's lived here. But I wasn't going to visit Gloria, I was going to visit Lary. I hadn't seen him in over a week, and I hadn't talked to Gloria at all lately. I hoped he was okay.
"Whoa, hold on there, young lady. Where are you going?" Said a low husky, yet vaguly familiar voice.
I looked up into the eyes of the doctor who had been treating Lary the last time I came to visit. I smiled to see a familiar face.
"Hey, I was just going to see Lary," I began to walk past the doctor and down the hallway to his room, "how is he?"
When I heard the footsteps behind me deminish, I turned around to see the doctor had come to a complete hault. There was a worried look on his face.
A wave of hurt swept over me, I knew what was wrong.
"He was taken away yesterday," he said plain and smiple, rubbing the back of his neck.
I gulped and felt my face growing warm. I gazed around the room and everything felt like it was spinning. Why did this always happen to me?
"Oh," was all I could manage to say.
For the next several minutes, the doctor, who's name I found out was Roger, talked to me about Lary's passing away. I tried to fight back tears the whole time. He said nothing more than his heart just stopped beating. It's was a peaceful death apparently. Something I'm sure Lary would have wanted. The only thing I had to deal with now was the idea that I had lost two people in the past four years of my teenage life. I sighed once Roger had managed to spill everything. We then sat there in silence for a minute. I was surprised Roger didn't just get up and leave me alone. Didn't he have other things to do than sit around with a teenage girl he hardly knows?
"Well, I better get going, I have to debug a computer in the lounge," he began to stand up, "yeah I know, not exactly doctor's work, but apparently, I'm the only one around here with the skill of fixing electronics." He finished.
When he finally stood up, he didn't leave. He looked down at me with a worried stare. Like he knew the importance of Lary to me.
"Well, hey," he said in a cheerful voice and lightly punched my shoulder, "you still have that letter from him, right?"
My head shot up at the thought. I had forgotten all about the letter. I suddenly felt hopeful, like maybe something important was in that letter that would cheer me up.
"Thanks, Roger!" I shouted as I darted down the hallway to the elevator. I sprinted home without thinking about how tired my legs were getting and how cramps were forming on the left side of my stomach.
When I reached the front door, I darted upstairs, ignoring Laura's hello, and my father's "What are you doing?". I got to my room and slammed my door, scanning the room like a cat, I couldn't find it. I tried to remember where I had put it before. I paced back and forth across the room and noticed a pair of ripped jeans on the floor. I smiled then, remembering I had slipped it into the back pocket of my jeans the day Roger had given me the letter.
As I grabbed it out of my jean pocket, I heard my phone ring. I dropped the letter on my nightstand and opened the phone, my alarm had gone off. It was almost seven o' clock. I had set a reminder alarm for the party.

I quickly darted downstairs with the paper Ricky had given me that day. The house was located in the neighborhood next to mine. Only a few blocks away. I decided I would walk because it wasn't yet dark outside. When I reached for the doorknob I was stopped by the roaring tone of my father's voice.
"Where do you think you're going, missy?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest.
Oh shit, I hadn't even thought about what I would tell my dad. He couldn't know I was going to a guys house he's never met. He didn't even know about Ricky and I going to the dance. I don't know how that slipped my mind, but I figured, telling him I was going to a party tonight, was too much for him to comprehend.
"Uh, I'm going to Kat's house tonight...." I trailed off.
His face looked unsatisfied.
"Remember, Dad?" I waved my arms around.
His face them looked confused and he dropped his arms to his sides, "when did you tell me this?"
"Uhhhh," I looked over at Laura who was now listening," yesterday, when we were talking. How do you not remember?"
He rubbed his chin and glanced over at Laura who shrugged.
"You always forget, Dad..." I said in a dissapointed tone. I was really getting into this fake situation.
"Okay, go on." He finally said.
I let out a faint 'yes!' and headed out the door.
"Hey, Vasser! You made it!" A tall blonde haired, beach bum looking guy, exclaimed. I remembered him from at the lunch table. I believe his name was Tyler.
I waved weakly and flashed him a half-assed smile.
He opened the door all the way and let me in.
"Laila! You came!" I heard a voice call from across the room. My gaze darted to the opposite side of the room. It was Ricky. His light hair swooshed around his face, and it looked like he hadnt shaved in a few days. He still looked gorgeous. He then walked ungracfully over to me and slung his arm around my waist and pulled me in close to him. I could tell he was a little buzzed.