Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Thirty-Three

Today was the day of the dance, chatter filled the hallways more than usual and I don't think I've ever seen so many multi-colored invitations to after parties as I did today. I had three in my hand, one from Tara's friend that I barely knew, one from Ingrid, and one from Ricky to the after party at his friends house. I felt bad about the other two, knowing I wouldn't be attending either of them. I sighed as I passed fluidly through the groups of gossipy girls and guys to Biology. I wasn't excited about the whole idea to be honest, I was still upset with Aiden. Why would he play me like that? The worst part is, is that I'm almost positive he didn't see me there the day I found him and Jen making out behind the bushes...
The chatter didn't subside when I entered the room like it had done lately, I guess I didn't look nearly as upset. I decided I wouldn't make a scene today though as I slid into my usual desk. I then noticed Tara quickly throw her bag onto the floor by my feet and straddle the desk chair in front of me to face me. My head was resting on my desk, hood up and all. I felt sick, without the actual nausia feeling.
Tara tilted her head on my desk too so she was now only inches away from my face. Tara never understood how much she could weird me out sometimes..."Hey there, doll face. What's eatin' your spirits?" She questioned and her brow furrowed in the middle, presenting a terribly dissapointed and worried look, "you look awful."
I sighed and lifted my head off my desk. I didn't say anything back to Tara, I just glanced over toward the side of the room that Aiden and Jen were sitting at. Jen had progressivly warmed up to Aiden and didn't just settle for throwing her arms around him, but sitting on his lap too. Whenever I saw this, my heart and stomach dropped. I got that crazy feeling when you go down a huge hill on a rollar coaster. I hated that feeling.
Tara gazed over in the direction that I was still facing, "ohhhhhh." She said and rubbed her chin as if in deep thought. "You can't possibly be upset...You're going to the dance with Ricky! Cheer up!"
I sighed again, louder this time. I couldn't tell Tara about what happened at Ricky's party. No way in hell would I tell her, soon the whole school would know, not because she was a gossiper, but because she'd probably try to beat his ass into the ground. She'd probably win too. The thought made me smile.
"Hellooo. Earth to Laila...." Tara snapped her purple nailed fingers in my face.
I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.
"Did you get a dress?" She questioned.
I felt quesy when I heard the words, I still had nothing to wear, now I had to worry about that. "No..." I admitted.
"Well you better find something to wear, the dance is in twelve hours, babe." Tara said as she turned around in her desk the minute Mr. Turner walked in the door.