Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Thirty-Four

I paced the floor in my room, thinking of what I could possibly wear to the dance. I shoved open my closet and threw back the clothes un hangers until I reached the end where I had a line up of five dresses. I looked toward the end and noticed a white and black dress. It hit just above the knee and splayed out in ballerina tutu way. I smiled. I hadn't worn that dress since halloween. It was a normal dress, only I had played it up with some white and black striped stockings and black fairy wings. I pulled the dress off the hanger and grabbed a mini sewing kit out of my closet. The dress had straps on it but I decided it'd look much better without them, so I grabbed my seam-ripper and carefully began to pull away the thread from the straps. I had it on in no time. Staring at myself in the mirror with ten minutes meft to spare. I grabbed a pair of black ballerina flats and slipped them on. It didn't look goudy at all anymore. The dress had an elegant twist now, with teh same fun and flirty flare. I then thought about the dresses Kat picked out not long ago when we were at the mall and smiled. I was glad I didn't buy anything because I knew that this was the dress.
"Laila!" I heard Laura yell from downstairs, "Kat is here....With a limo..." She said the last part in surprise as though she would have expected us to walk or something.
"Okay, I'm coming!" I yelled back. I trotted downstairs to see Kat as my door step. She was looking absolutely gorgeous. Her red hair was pulled back into a lose bun. She was also wearing a dress I remember her trying on when we went dress hunting at the mall. It was a jade color with little flecks of sparkles. It was a halter top dress and flowed graceully to her knees. She looked very giddy and excited as I walked downstairs. When I reached her, all the depression of having to go to teh dance with Ricky went away. As long as I was with my bestfriend, everything would work out. Or so I hoped.
"C'mon girlie, we gotta go, like now. The boys' are in the limo waiting!" Her white gloved hand tugged on my arm, pulling me out of the door. Nearing the limo was the worst part of the whole night, because I knew the minute I entered the car, I would see Ricky, and he would probably look undeniably adorable. And that would make acting like I was upset with him even more difficult.
"Hey, Vasser!" I heard Tyler yell the moment we opened the car door. His blonde hair was messy and swept awkwardly around with hair gell, but it didn't look bad. I looked to the other side of the limo after flashing Tyler a small grin, and saw Ricky. He was wearing an all black suit with a red tie, completely ordinary, but he looked great. I tried not to smile at him, but felt a sheepish smirk form on my face. I sat by him, but not too close, still not saying a word.
"You look...Great, Laila," he smiled. He sounded nervous, like something was on his mind.
"Thanks." I said weakly and then added, "you look really good too." He smiled and then looked out the window. I hit myself on the forehead. Stupid. Stupid. You're suppose to be mad at him.
"Hey Laila, I just want to clear the air really quick," he began and looked over at Tyler and Kat who were snuggling up next to each other, laughing and giggling about something, they obviously couldn't hear us.
I looked up at him, waiting.
"About the night of the party, I'm so...Incredibly sorry." He looked down at his feet and shuffled them on the carpeted interrior of the limo. He then grabbed my hand and held it tight, "I feel awful that I did that to you. I just, wasn't thinking."
"Oh." I looked down at our hands, still confused because when Ricky asked me to go to the dance with him in the first place, he sounded excited but never really warmed up to me, and now...We were holding hands. But it still didn't feel right to me.
"I barely remember that night....You don't have to forgive me, I know I would never forgive myself for it." He looked at me now, "When I get drunk like that, it's like, I'm another person...Ya know?"
No, no I don't know, Ricky. Because I would never intoxicate my body to that point, ever.
"Uh huh," I lied.
We then sat in silence and he was now looking out the window. I looked out the window too to notice we were about to turn into the school parking lot. The outside of the school was dazzling, lights were flashing everywhere and I could already hear the music pumping a loud thud from inside the gymnasium. When we exited the limo, Kat and Tyler rushed into the school. I told them not to wait up.
So here stood Ricky and I. He looked at the ground again, looking almost ashamed to look at me, and then I had to ask...
"Ricky?" I questioned, awaiting his response.
He gestured for me to continue by looking into my eyes.
"Why did you ask me to the dance?"
He frowned suddenly and took my hands in his again, "Laila, to be honest. I don't know. I mean..." He paused.
I looked at him and raised my eyebrow, "go ahead..."
"People were looking at you in art and I heard Jen saying something about how you probably didn't have a date and then she laughed...Then she brought up something to me that you liked me and how obvious it was."
I sighed, I guess I'm terrible at hiding my feelings.
"And I figured I would ask you to the dance. I just felt bad I guess. And everyone around me was laughing, like it was...Lame...That you didn't have anyone to go with or something. But I don't know why they assumed that just by looking at you..." He then put his hand on my cheek, "I think you're really pretty, I was surprised to hear you didn't have a date."
"Bullshit." I heard the word flow out of my mouth too fast to stop it.
He dropped his hand and pressed his lips together in a frustrated, straight line. "I'm not like what people think of me at all, Lai."
"How so?" I noticed my tone was a little annoyed and upset, I seriously felt like I couldn't believe what he was saying.
"I'm not into myself like every girl thinks. I honestly have no clue why girls hang themselves around me and what not."
I gave him a stern look and put my hands on my hips.
"Okay, maybe I know. But honestly, I kinda liked the attention. My brother, you met him, was alwasy the popular guy at school. He still is. And growing up, I never was. When people finally started noticing me, I took advantage of it. I know what your thinking, but who wouldn't take advantage of popularity?"
I suddenly felt like I had more respect for Ricky, I almost couldn't believe what he was saying. I smiled at the idea that I was always right about Ricky, I knew he had a good heart all along.
"I'm so sorry, Lai..." He placed his hand on my cheek again and leaned toward me.
I brushed a strand of hair out of my face and suddenly felt his lips on mine. Something I've always wanted. His hands were cupping my face and holding me into the kiss, but I I was surprised. I felt....Nothing....
Ricky soon let go and gave me a confused look.
I said nothing.
"Well?" He pressed.
I looked up at him and put my hands on his shoulders, "Ricky, I'm not going to lie...I felt nothing."
He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I didn't feel much either."
"Look, Ricky. I really appreciate you coming to the dance with me, It means a lot. But I think we're better off..."
I began and we both finished it, "As friends."
He nodded and held out his hand for me to shake, "Friends?"
I laughed and shoved his hands away and threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist. "Friends." I repeated.
We were now walking into the school, laughing and joking about nothing in particular. I was glad, I had settled some ground with Ricky and now we were friends. But I still ahd some unfinished business to attend to.