Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Thirty-Five

The moment we entered the school foyer, I noticed all the people around us and found myself searching. I don't know why because I wasn't looking for anyone in particular. I suddenly heard a loud sigh and I looked up at Ricky, he was looking off to the side. I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on Aiden and Jen.
"Ricky?" I poked his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He didn't take his gaze off of the two,
"What's wrong, Ricky?"
He then looked at me and motioned with his head toward Aiden and Jen.
"Yeah, what about them?"
He sighed again, "I guess I've always kinda had a thing for Jen." He fiddled with his fingers.
I smiled, "that's adorable, since when?"
"Since, I don't know," He rubbed the back of his head, "last year maybe?"
My mouth dropped open, "and you never told her!?"
"Shhhh!" He covered my mouth with his hand, "Look whose talking, Lai. You've liked me for a while and never spilled."
I looked down as he removed his hand from my mouth, "but you know now, and I don't like you like that anymore. We're just friends..."
He looked at me.
"No offense..."
He laughed, "none taken."
"Look, point is, you found out and I practically admitted to it. Maybe it's time you tell Jen, you two would be great together I'm sure."
"Yeah sure, Lai. I know you hate her."
"Yeah well maybe just possibly...I'd do anything for her to get off Aiden." I breathed the last part, almost silent, but Ricky heard.
"You like Landon?" He questioned.
Le dur. "Jeez, I would've thought you knew."
"So tell him!"
"I'm almost positive he already knows..." I sighed.
We stood there in silence before entering the gymnasium to dance.
"Look, I promise you, by the end of the night I'll get you and Jen together." I proclaimed confidently.
"Really?" He seemed surprised and smiled at me.
"Scouts honor." I raised my hand into the boyscout "gang sign", if you will.
He hugged me quickly and we headed into the gymnasium, but I suddenly felt the urge to pee.
"Hey, you go off and have fun, I'm going to run to the ladies room." I winked at him.
He nodded and headed off into the middle of the dance floor.
I walked out of the gymnasium, noticing that most people were now in there rather than the foyer. I headed toward the girl's bathroom by the staircase. When I walked in I heard a soft wimper. I stopped walking and listened closely. Someone was in the bathroom crying. I looked down the line of several stalls and only one was occupied. I didn't know who it was, but my mood was lifted a little ever since Ricky and I made up, so I knocked on the stall door to see what was wrong.
"Hey who's in there?" I asked and leaned my ear against the door.
"Go away!" I heard someone yell.
"Hey, not cool. I'm just trying to help."
"Who are you?"
"I asked you first..." I winced, hoping she wouldn't get even more upset with me.
Suddenly the door opened and revieled the sad face of Jen Fieldman. I was shocked and the look on her face was far from happy to see me.
"Ugh, what the fuck do you want, Vasser?" She walked past me and to the sinks, staring at herself in the mirrors.
"I just want to know why you're crying..." I said plainly and walked toward her to touch her shoulder.
"Like that's any of your business...."
I placed a hand on her shoulder.
She pulled away, "don't touch me!" She yelled.
"Okay, Jen, I've had enough of your nonsense. I'm trying to help and you're just giving me bullshit. You know well enough I would probably never do anything nice for you, so stop being a damn pansy and tell me what's wrong!" The words flew out of my mouth. I then stopped and sucked in air, surprised at myself.
She didn't say anything, she just looked at me.
"Seriously, Jen...We don't need to be fighting all the time."
"Yeah, whatever, Vasser. I guess you're..." She stopped and swallowed hard, "I guess you're...Right." She finished.
"Yeah well, it doesn't matter. But what's wrong...?"
"Aiden wants you, you know..." She whipped the tears off her face with a piece of tissue.
"What?" I leaned my back against the wall.
"Yeah, he was just totally spilling his heart to me about how he likes you."
"Oh." I paused and thought of what to say next...
"I don't even like him, I know what you're thinking. But the reason I'm crying is because," She slid her back down the wall and sat on the floor next to me, "now I don't have anyone. Ricky asked you to the dacne and now I'm being turned down by a guy who didn't even want to go to this stupid dance with me in the first place..."
I said nothing but just looked at her.
"Everyone's happy and has someone who cares, except me..."
I snickered.
She glared at me with mean eyes.
"Sorry, It's just...Not everyone gets as lucky as you with dates, Jen. You can't honestly be that thrown off just because someone doesn't want to be with you..."
"Is this honestly how normal people feel...Constantly rejected?"
I laughed and threw my head back. Jen still stared at me, curiously.
"Yeah Jen, normal girl's do suffer rejection too. It hurts, but you just have to know it's going to be alright."
She huffed out and blew a strand of blond hair out of her face.
"You're face is a mess." I laughed.
"I know." She smiled. "Sorry I come off like such a jerk. I'm not the heartless evil bitch I act like. I have feelings..." She whipped a tear out of the corner of her eye. "Obviously..." She laughed again.
"Yeah, well...No one's perfect." I said, and then looked curiously at Jen, expecting her to dissagree with that statement.
"Except me." She smiled. Read my mind.
I laughed and looked toward the door.
"Go." She said.
"Go, I know you want to. Besides, I'll be fine and I'm sure Aiden is looking for you." She stifled through her purse, grabbing mascara and lipstick.
"Really?" I was getting up.
"Um, duh." She rolled her eyes.
I smiled and headed toward the door but then stopped and remembered what Ricky had told me. "Jen?"
"What, Vasser?" She was now at the mirror applying mascara.
"I forgot to mention...Ricky...He's kinda sorta...Looking for you too." I winced, awaiting some sort of scream or blow up.
"What? What are you talking about? He's with you..." She said the last part in a disgusted voice.
"Jen, are you blind? Ricky has liked you for a long time. And we just declared our friendship so nothing is going on between us..."
Jen stared up at the lights on the ceiling, looking mezmorized.
I laughed, "besides I already swore to him that I would have you two together by the end of the night."
"Reallyyyyyy?" She smiled and bit her thumb, trying to hold back something, maybe a girlish shriek.
I rolled my eyes and laughed again, this was the most human Jen has ever acted...Ever.
"Well then, we should both go?" She questioned and hustled everything into her purse.
"Yeah I would assume so." I smiled.
We both walked out of the bathroom, nearing the gymnasium doors. I stopped walking and Jen stopped shortly ahead of me and turned around. "What's the hold up, Vasser?"
"Did we just become...Friends?" I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to register the last 10 minutes I spent with Jen.
She looked around the foyer, eyes darting around, like she was searching for a good answer, "uh...Don't get your hopes up, Vasser," was all she said. She then turned around and headed through the doors of the gymnasium.
I smirked. Same old Jen.
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Only a few more chapter until the end, and then I have some good news for all of my readers and subscibers.....