Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Make sure to read Chapter 40, it's not really a chapter but it is the entry letter to the art academy all put together.

"Welp, this is it." I said to myself as I packed my bags and headed downstairs.
Everyone was gathered by the door, Emma squeezing her doll tight to her face. This was the last time I would ever be in this house, the house I grew up in. I'm moving on.
I hopped into the car and threw my seat belt on. "Everyone ready?" My dad asked us.
"Yup." I said hesitantly.
Then we were off, headed down the drive way and onto the street. I opened my window to feel the cool morning breeze on my face. I smiled at the the sun rising over to tops of the houses and the singing birds.
"Laila!!!!" I heard someone call my name.
I looked out my window and then out the back of the car. I saw someone running after the car. I looked at my dad who was already slowing down.
"May I?" I asked my father as I unlocked the car door.
"Go." He smiled.
I quickly ran out of the car door toward Aiden. He was still coming toward me, only a little space to fill. His face was pale. His shirt clung to his body at the speed he was racing toward me, his tight jeans causing him to slow down. When we had closed the space I threw myself into his arms. He held my head in his hands once I had pulled away.
"Aiden, what are you doing here?" I questioned and looked at Lary's watch on my wrist, it read six fifteen. Yeah that's right, I finally fixed it. "It's just after six..."
"I didn't get the chance to say goodbye. I thought, now might be a good time." He laughed and I giggled too.
I wrapped my arms around him again and kissed his cheek. "How'd you know I was leaving now?"
"I called Kat last night, she told me your family was early to rise when it came to vacationing so I assumed it'd be the same deal with moving."
"Ha, yeah..." I felt my heart smile. The idea of Aiden, a teenage boy who needs sleep, waking up early enough to just barely catch me in time to say goodbye, was the best thing that anyone could do for me.
He then put his hand on the side of my face, gracefully running his finger across my cheek bone. He then lifted the other hand to the other side of my face. His cold lips pressed to mine and I lost myself in a daze. I found myself running my fingers through his hair. He then lifted me off the ground and held me above him so he could look at my face. I had my hands on his shoulders, his hands on my hips. He gently put me back down to earth and kissed me again, passionatly. I felt fireworks, something I'd never expected to feel. But Aiden was the only guy I had ever wanted that feeling to come from. I smiled beneath our kiss and he lifted his head away from me.
"Well, I guess this is it..." He shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"For now." I smiled.
He lifted my chin with his fingers and placed another soft kiss on my lips, "take care, Lai."
"Okay. Bye, Aiden." The words shook me to the bone. I sighed and walked back to the car.
"Lai!" He called after me.
I had just opened the car door. I spun around, "yeah?"
He looked around really quick and then said in a quiet voice, "I love you." He grinned.
"I love you too, Aiden." I said and closed the car door.
I heard the engine start and I looked out the back window. Aiden's figure grew smaller and smaller every second we sped down the street. I waved and saw him wave back just before he was no longer in plain veiw.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.
how upsetting.
but not as upsetting when you read the next part to this book.
YES, my loves, it has a series.
The next book is called Harmonious Infatuation.
I have jsut started writing it and will post it asap.
I will most def. have the first and second chapter up by the 20th.
Thank you to all my readers, i really hope you liked Kissing You That Friday Night, and I also hope you read my next book.
Laila Vasser is moving to Chicago and is going off to the Art Academy of her dreams.