Kissing You That Friday Night

Chapter Six

"Why every young woman is looked at as a booty call...By Kat Barton," Kat clears her throat as she begins to read her article in the school news paper, "The media of the now plays the biggest role in why the male life form is addicted to vulgarity and sex. Males are introduced to sex at a young age and percieve woman as a booty call..." I'm not paying attention to what Kat is saying, I've already read and edited her article four times before it went into the paper this last Monday. All I can think about is studying for the Bio test on Fungus...ew.
"What do you think?" Kat finally says.
I snap out of my zone mode and focus my attention on her blank stare, waiting for my response.
"Thanks for paying attention," She says sarcastically and scans the bottom of the article.
"Kat, I've read your article four-" I begin when Kat cuts me off.
"Are you kidding me!" Kat exclaims. Her eyes grow large and her mouth falls open but the expression suddenly changes to fury.
I shurg, "What?"
She says nothing put shoves the paper in my face and harshly points at a comment a student had left.
"Read it out loud," She smirks and crosses her arms across her chest unhappily.
I almost roll my eyes but begin to read. "A comment from Josh, no last name included, 16 years old. Kat, you article is interesting, and a total snooze. Guys are the way they are because the lord has made us greedy pigs so we reproduce with women so the world keeps going on. If men weren't the way they were, women would be their sassy little selves and think it's too gross to have sex and be all worried about getting pregnant and gaining 15 baby pounds. Besides, if you're so concerned about how guys act around girls, then think again. It's the female races fault, they shouldn't dress in scraps of fabric." I put the paper down and look at Kat who is now sitting on the ground at our favorite lunch spot under the big tree in the courtyard. She gives me a puppy dog pout and I look back at the paper for better comments to cheer her up.
Before I can find one, Kat takes the paper from me and scans the comments section again. "Well atleast this guy is nice."
"What did he say?" I ask and bite into a ripe red apple.
"Dear Kat, I agree with you. Being a guy I know what it's like to look at women in innapropriate ways. But I think it's a stage of immaturity. Guys need to stop looking at women the way the do. Women are much more than just a peice of ass. Many guys would hate to admit it but acting volgure around and talking about girls the way we do is the only cover up so we don't have to admit we want a serious relationship. I like your article and hopefully it might change some guys minds." Kat smiles and puts the paper down.
"Who wrote it?" I ask as I chew. I know it's gross.
"Hmm, doesn't say. What a shame, this guy is my soul mate," Kat leans against the tree and sighs, "I will hunt him down until he is identified and is mine."
I laugh and dig a small hole in the soft dirt around the tree with my hands. I place the core of the apple i had been eating in the hole and cover it back up with dirt. "Now if only I could find a nature freak like me." I say with a huge grin on my face.
Kat giggles," Some day..."

"You will all be assigned partners for this project..." Mr. Turner says. I hear a faint 'yes' coming from the back of the classroom and the quiet buzzing of socialization once Turner says this. They think they get to choose their parteners, I know well enough that Mr. Turner would never let us pick our own. "That I'm assigning..." He mumbles as he peers over the top of his super magnified "specs". Of course, everyone starts moaning and groaning. Then Mr. Turner starts firing away partener names for the project. We have to construct a model of a certain type of fungus and name a bunch of weird info that no one cares about, about the fungus. Honestly, I'm surprised their are so many different kinds. "It will be due in sixteen days and is worth onehundred and fifty points. You will have no time to work on this in class. Now back to the assigning of the parteners...Jess and Tammy....Eric and Sky....Bailey and Oliver....Aiden and Laila..." When Mr. Turner mutters my name seperated by nothing but a simple 'and' and Aiden's name...I almost upchuck my breakfast a little. I suddenly feel very warm with irritation as I glance quickly at Aiden who looks at me and gives me one of his adorable smiles I hate so much. I take a deep breath and pack my bag when I see we only have a minute left of class. Mr. Turner then hears the bell and dismisses us from class after he reads the last names on his list of terrible partnering...He hands every group a sheet of paper listing the name of the fungus we are assigned on our way out. I unfold the paper without looking behind me to see if Aiden is following me. There in bold letters is the word "Sac Fungi" ew... That just sounds even more disgusting.
I feel a tap on my left shoulder and twirl around, hoping it's someone other than Aiden. But no...It's the devil.
"Ah, Sac Fungi...Entralling," Aiden looks down at me. I try not to look at him. I'm still completely not cool with him. "When should I come over?" He says as he takes out a a pen and clicks it.
"Excuse me?" I scoul. What the hell does he think, just because we're parteners on this project he can suddenly come...over?
"When can I come over? We have to work on this outside of class you know. That's what Mr. Turner said." Aiden states clearly and sweetly.
Oh, I'm sorry Aiden, I was ever so cuaght up in how disgusted I was with being partenered with you that I didn't quite catch that.
"Oh." I say and turn away.
"So when? I'm free Tuesday and Friday after school." I hear his voice trail off the further I get away from him.
"Great. Friday at 4."