Until the End of Everything

Chapter 1

“Happy anniversary baby,” Mikey said as he kissed me softly, giving me butterflies.

I looked into his eyes smiling. “Happy anniversary,” I replied, my voice cracking a little since I used up all my energy.

Mikey grinned and stroked my cheek staring into my eyes shyly. His thumb ran across my cheek bone and to the corner of my lips. “I can’t believe it’s been two years.” He smiled and gently pressed his lips against mine. He knew I was weak so he wasn’t going to push it.

“I know.” I smiled up at him, looking back into his eyes that made my heart melt. “I never would have thought I’d be laying here naked with you of all people.”

“Hey!” He pouted. “Why would you think that?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back, feeling the cold air rush against my body. “Probably because you were the biggest nerd in high school.” I laughed.

“I take offense to that.” He frowned wrapping his arms around me, resting his head on my chest to hear my heart beat. Mikey always did that after we had sex. I guess he loved hearing my heart beat accelerate every time he touched me.

“Well it’s true.” I laughed and stroked his hair.

“To be honest I never thought I’d be lying here naked with you.” He put his chin on my chest and gazed up at me. “You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I thought I was always invisible to you.”

I finally opened my eyes after hearing Mikey speak those words that always made me feel guilty. I looked into his eyes and cupped his face in my right hand. He leaned against it slightly and looked up at me. “You were never invisible to me.”

“I never thought you would give me the time of day. And I certainly never thought we would be celebrating an anniversary together. Especially a two year one.” He chuckled.

“Well we are.” I kissed the tip of his nose and he grinned goofily. “And that’s all that matters.”

He leaned up and kissed me softly, putting his hand on my side lightly. I inhaled sharply since he gave me goose bumps and kissed him back. A thousand words couldn’t begin to capture the way I felt with Mikey. I felt so safe in his lanky, thin arms. I felt like the richest girl in the world even though we had no money. And I felt so incredibly happy when I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. I could stare in them for hours, they were so intriguing.

“Baby,” Mikey said against my lips, sending shivers down my spine.

“Yeah?” I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

“I love you,” he said shyly, blushing a little.

I smiled and kissed him sweetly. I loved it when Mikey blushed. It was so adorable. We have been together for two years and he still got shy around me. It was something I wished would never go away. “I love you too.” I smiled and kissed his nose.

He smiled and rest his head back on my chest, running his fingers along my lower stomach. I kissed Mikey’s head and closed my eyes, so worn out from today.

The next morning I extended my arm to the side, feeling the spot next to me on the bed. It was empty. I slowly lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. “Mikey?” I asked groggily.

“Nice ass,” a sly voice said from the doorway.

I jumped and pulled the black sheets over my body. My eyes wondered to the door and I saw Gerard leaning against the door frame holding a cup of coffee. “Gerard! Learn to knock!” I yelled holding the blanket up to my collar bone.

“Why? It’s my room, too.” He walked in and sat down on his bed. “You guys need to play music or something. You guys get so loud.” he sipped his coffee.

“Shut up!” I grabbed Mikey’s pillow and threw it at him, wishing his coffee would spill on him, but Gerard was skilled and saved his coffee.

“Well I’m just letting you know! If my Mom and Dad find out you two are having sex under their roof, they’ll kill you and Mikey.” He got up and kicked my clothes aside as he walked to the closet.

“Well they’re not going to find out,” I replied grabbing Mikey’s shirt off the ground and pulling it on quickly when Gerard’s back was to me.

“Morning baby,” Mikey greeted walking out of the bathroom that was connected to the room in a towel.

I smiled and ruffled my hair as he walked over. He leaned down, placing one hand on either side of my lap and kissed me sweetly. Completely forgetting there was another person in the room, I put my hand on Mikey’s towel, about to pull it open.

“Guys!” Gerard hollered from the corner of the room. “I’m still here! Still here!”

Mikey and I pulled away from each other and saw Gerard covering his eyes with his head turned away. Mikey rolled his eyes and pecked my lips then stood up, letting little beads of water fall from his hair onto the sheets. “Get out, Gerard.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Gerard rolled his eyes and threw some jeans and a t-shirt over his shoulder on his way out. He closed the door then Mikey turned to me.

“Sleep well?” He smiled opening his closet door to get his work clothes.

“Yes.” I smiled and got up from the bed and wrapped my arms around his tall slender body.

He smiled and put his hand over mine as he grabbed his Barnes and Noble shirt from the back of the door. “I get off at 5. Do you want to get dinner after wards?” He smiled at me as he grabbed some boxers and khaki pants.

“Sure.” I smiled. “I just have to make sure Frank won’t completely burn my house down while I’m gone.” I rolled my eyes and pulled on my underwear and pants.

“Lets hope it’s still standing by the time you get there.” Mikey laughed and changed into his work clothes.

“It better be. Or I’m kicking that midget’s ass.” I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists.
Mikey laughed and lifted my chin to look at him and kissed me. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Do you have to leave?” I mumble against his lips, not wanting him to pull away.

“I have to make money.” He laughed.

“But that’s why you’re in a band. You won’t need to work cause you’ll get paid a ton of money to play at huge places like Madison Square Garden or some place.”

Mikey just chuckled and pulled away. “I have to go to work. And you have to go make sure Frank didn’t burn your apartment down.”

“Fine,” I mumble and pout, grabbing my things. “I’ll be there at five,” I promise pecking his soft, perfectly shaped lips.

“Okay.” He smiled and nodded.
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