Until the End of Everything

Chapter 3

There was a loud bang against the door to Mikey’s room, followed by a low, manly grunt. I groaned and pulled away from Mikey’s lips. We were laying on his bed making out for the past hour. I was on vacation for two weeks so we were making up for our time apart.

Mikey and I both turned our heads to the door when it opened and gasped when we saw Gerard stumble in with his hair a mess and his eyes blood shot.

“Gerard!” Mikey whispered quite loudly and made his way over to his brother.

I sat up on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to do to help.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Mikey pulled Gerard up to his feet and walked with him to his bed.

“Nothing.” Gerard slurred, his feet giving out underneath his weight.

“You’re fucking drunk,” Mikey said in disgust as Gerard fell back on the bed.

“I’m not drunk. I’m fine.” Gerard sat up weakly.

Mikey just sighed and looked at his drunk older brother who couldn’t keep his eyes closed. “What am I going to do?” Mikey sighed.

All of a sudden Gerard’s cheeks puffed out and his hand clapped over his mouth. “Oh shit!” Mikey grabbed Gerard and tried to hustle him to the bathroom but Gerard couldn’t hold it in. He ended up puking all over the ground.

“Ewe!” I shouted jumping up off Mikey’s bed.

The door suddenly opened and Donna walked in with a robe around her and her hair in curlers. “What on Earth is going on here?!” She looked from me to Mikey who was leaning over Gerard.

“Gerard’s sick.” Mikey sighed, obviously not going to tell her he was piss ass drunk.

She rushed over and saw the throw up on the floor and gasped. “Is he okay? He looks green.”

After a while the puked got cleaned up and then Donna left the room with out asking more questions about Gerard. Gerard was laying in his bed groaning as Mikey laid down next to me.

“Just how I wanted to spend your first night back.” Mikey sighed and rest his head on my chest. “Cleaning up my brother’s puke.”

I laughed a little and kissed his head. “It’s okay. We have tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.”

Mikey sighed and closed his eyes. I could tell Gerard drinking was hard on him. Almost every other night Gerard would end up passing out somewhere in the house or in other people’s houses. Mikey had to go and pick him up. Every morning Mikey would yell at Gerard, but Gerard never listened.

A few days later, I was curled up in one of Mikey’s hoodies sitting on his bed. Mikey was gone when I came over, and Donna told me I could just sit in his room and wait for him. It was eleven o’clock and Mikey still wasn’t home.

I felt my eye lids start to get heavy as I watched the clock turn to midnight. I rest my head back against Mikey’s pillow and my body started to relax. Just then the door opened and I bolted up.

“Mikey. Where have you been?” I asked groggily.

“No where,” he muttered and pulled off his jean jacket and tossed it on the hamper.

“I’ve been sitting here for five hours waiting.”

“You didn’t have to.” He shrugged and kicked off his shoes in his closet and pulled off his belt.

“Mikey, where were you?” I got up from the bed and walked to him.

“Just leave it alone, Natalie!” Mikey yelled.

I looked at him taken aback. “What is your problem?!” I raised my voice to his level.

“Nothing! Stop being annoying!”

As he yelled, I smelled something funny on his breath. Alcohol. “Mikey,” I asked quietly, my voice shaking, “have you been drinking?”

Mikey didn’t say anything and he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. “Mikey!” I yelled and banged on the door. “How are you going to fucking yell at Gerard for drinking and you go out and do the exact same thing?!” I asked angrily.

“Just leave Natalie!” Mikey shouted through the door.

“You’re not helping Gerard by doing the same thing Mikey!”

“I said fucking leave!”

I banged on the door again and heard a bottle of pills shake. “Mikey! What are you doing?!”

I didn’t get a response and I just smacked the door again, feeling my heart sink. “Mikey!” I screamed.

Suddenly the door opened and Mikey walked out, pushing past me. I walked into the bathroom and opened drawers, to find empty pill bottles. “Oh my god,” I whispered to myself, looking at the name on the bottles. Donna Way.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Mikey sitting on the bed in his boxers and t-shirt, staring at the ground. Words could not describe how livid I was. “You’re fucking drinking and popping pills?!”

Mikey didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at me. He just stared at the ground blankly. He wasn’t in his right mind. “Mikey! Fucking listen to me!” I yelled. “How are you going to sit there and yell at Gerard about drinking then you go out and do it then pop your Mom’s pills?!”

Again, no answer from Mikey. “How could you be so fucking stupid?!” I screamed, starting to cry. I couldn’t believe Mikey was doing this. “You’re just making everything worse,” I said in a mere whisper with my voice cracking.

I sighed not getting a response from Mikey and I just left. I had no idea what to do. I had to get Mikey help. Mikey and Gerard for that matter. Why would Mikey do that? He’s smart. He knows that stuff is stupid. I wish he would just talk to me.
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