I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

I Love This Woman

Dinner at the Jonas's is absolutely amazing.

Besides the amazing food that Denise cooked (and she didn't make me eat the carrots! Yay!), I had Joe by me for the rest of the night, blushing deeply whenever a new baby story came up.

"And the ball flew right into his face!" Nick exclaimed as he relived one of his epic soccer tales, making the table erupt in laughter.

I didn't pass judgment on the Jonas family when I first met them, how could I? We were in a hospital when we met. But I wouldn't ever regret "re-meeting" them tonight, it's everything that I thought it would be and more.

The reason why Miley's presence bothered me slightly didn't even enter my mind when she turned up at the door. In fact, I actually bonded with her over dinner. That wasn't expected, but welcome once I finally got to know her. She seemed like a mature, funny girl.

"Denise, that dinner was amazing!" I smiled at her, getting up to help her with the dishes despite her protests not to.

She smiled at me as I placed some dishes in the sink, "Thanks, it's nice to have a girl around here."

I smiled despite the forming of girlfriend-less jokes forming in the pit of my stomach.

"Well thank you for your help, Delando," she smiled slightly, telling me earlier that she loved saying my last name and would now refuse to say my first name. I smiled back, letting her know that I was ok with this little inside joke we had.

"Nicole! I wanna show you something!" Joe shouted even though he was standing right next to me, grabbing my hand to drag me out to the backyard.

"Okay, no peeking! Got it?" Joe asked, covering my eyes even after I promised I wouldn't peek.

Eh, smart move on his part, I probably would've peeked.

Joe began directing me which way to go, his breath tickling my ear whenever he spoke.

"Alright! We're here!" Joe's hands removed themselves from my eyes and I was slightly confused to see that we were standing by a huge oak tree on the edge of their backyard.

"Joe, we've been walking for like 10 minutes!" I playfully scolded, slapping his chest.

Joe actually giggled and shrugged his shoulders, "You just looked so cute wandering around like that! I couldn't help myself!"

I opened up my mouth, then closed it. Opened, closed, open closed, glare.

"That's what I thought! Any who! Follow me! Unless of course you're to chicken," Joe yelled, starting to climb the giant tree.

I held in a not so lady like snort, "Puh-lez! You're talking to the tree climbing champion!"

I let my instincts take control and ignored my reasonable side till Joe had stopped on a huge branch and patted the spot next to him. When I realized we were practically on the second floor since a window was to my left that's when my sane side came back to yell at me……..and Joe.

"Err….Joe? Is this safe?" You know it doesn't look that high up from the ground, but when you're up here I don't think anyone would laugh at you for wetting yourself.

Joe laughed and slid his arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him, "Don't worry, I do this all the time. I promise nothing will happen."

I scooted closer to Joe, wrapping my arms around his neck and eyeing the ground wearily, "If I die and for some reason you survive, you bet your butt I'm coming back to haunt you for this Jonas!"

Joe laughed and tightened the grip he hand on my waist, "I promise nothing will happen to you!"

Even though I nodded my grip on Joe didn't loosen till I looked up at the sky, amazed at the view from up here.

The stars shone brightly and it was a crescent moon tonight. I leaned my head on Joe's shoulder, never taking my eyes off the sky.

"You know sometimes I come out here to think, get away from reality. It always seems to find me in the end, but the while that I'm alone out here is worth it all…." Joe mumbled, eyes fixed at the sky much like my own.

"I came out here the night of the bon fire and everything played back in my head and then I realized how stupid I was that night, letting you go like that…….."

I raised my head in confusion, connecting my eyes with him.

"You went through that whole night, only to be embarrassed that you fainted. You didn't blame me for that whole fire thing like I know other girls would have. You weren't even mad at me for putting you in danger, you were just happy to spend sometime with me…….I guess what I'm trying to get at is," Joe drew in a deep breath, "Even though you cheat at DDR, you still make me happy…….. Nicole will you be my girlfriend?"

I let out a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding in, "For a second there I thought you were just going to monolog like all evil villains do, and then push me off the tree!"

Joe laughed nervously, an expectant look in his eyes, "Of course I will Joseph."

His face lit up and he pulled me into an awkward-but-loved-anyway hug.

I didn't get to pull away, Joe's lips capturing my own. I don't know how he did it, but Joe managed to turn us both so that we were facing each other without breaking our lip lock. Honestly, I didn't even noticed that he moved us till our embrace was broken and my eyes were open. I didn't even here the multiple clicks coming from the window.

"So now that we're 'official' what do-"

"JOSEPH! You better not be in that tree again!" Denise hollered from somewhere in the house.

Joe's expression reminded me of a deer in headlights, "C'mon! Let's go!"

Together we scrambled down the tree, landing in time to throw ourselves onto the porch swing when Denise slid open the door.

"Oh! There you two are! I thought you upped and ran away!" she chuckled at her own joke before going back inside.

Out of breath, I looked at Joe and started laughing uncontrollably, throwing away any of the air that I managed to inhale in the short amount of time of sitting down.

Joe's smile turned into laughter much like our own, and before I knew it, we were rolling around on the grass, laughing hysterically. More clicking going off in the background, unheard.

My laughter subsided, leaving me on my side facing Joe, who was bighting his lip.

"Seeing as how we're dating now, I feel obligated to tell you that I have to go pee now thanks to you!" he said, dashing back into the house before I could say anything. Well, not talk per say, more like laugh again.

All we need now is for Frankie and Mr. Jonas to come running through the backdoor and my theory that all Jonas men are crazy would be correct.

Proving that Nick was already crazy, he burst through the door, Miley kicking and screaming over his shoulder.

Seeing that he was headed to the pool she screamed, "Nicholas Jerry Jonas! If you don't put me down right this second I'm going to kill you with a spoon!"

Huh, weird.

Nick didn't say anything, but smiled and tossed her in.

Even weirder!

Regardless of his lack of sanity, I laughed along with Nick when I got up to help Miley out of the water.

"She wouldn't stop poking her like I told her to," Nick explained, walking into an outside closet to pull out a beach towel for a shaking, cursing, Miley.

This family has a weird thing with Déjà vu……….

Walking indoors with Miley was very humorous to me, for instance, Nick dashing inside like his life depended on it, which it probably did. Or maybe it was because Denise snatched me before her sons noticed, taking me into the living room to show me baby pictures, including the one that she claimed to have 'lost'.

I love this woman.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe I had fun while writing this one too, and I'm really really happy too, so that's a bonus.

Comments = love.
