I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

The Big Night

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please take your seats, the show will begin in 5 minutes!" an announcers voice commanded the audience over the load speakers set up all around the theater.

I breathed in deeply as I took a quick glance in the small space between the curtain and wall, seeing not only my parents, but Paul and Denise too.

I inhaled sharply and grabbed Jace roughly by the elbow, "What are they doing here!?" I whispered harshly.

Jace's eyes settled on Paul and Denise, who were now being accompanied by their 4 sharply dressed sons.

I saw her shoulders tense, "I dunno, but ignore them for now, we need to get you on stage in 2 minutes!"

I saw a small glimpse of the scene playing now, it was right before Juliet's mom calls out to her.

Jace was tugging on random parts of my dress, doing last minute adjustments seconds before I was about to go on while I focused on the lines I needed to say.

Let the show begin…..
I was breathing heavily from my last scene, but I was to distracted by the clothing that was leaving my body to be replaced with new ones for my last scene with Romeo.

Once I was sucked into my dress Jace and I stood off to the side of the stage keeping our eyes out for the people dressed in all black who were doing the fastest scene change in the dark I've seen in a long time.

"Alright let's go!" Jace harshly whispered at me, grabbing my hand so that I could make it to the stage in one piece.

Since we had rehearsed this so many times before, I wasn't afraid when I felt hands grabbing me to help lift me onto the table I was supposed to lay on. I could distinctly feel Jace's hands quickly dashing all about my body to either tuck in my hair or to make sure my dress looked good before I felt all the hands leave and movement around the stage suddenly went still, giving me my que to snap my eyes shut and stay like that until Romeo "kills" himself.

I heard footsteps for the other side of the stage, but what confused me was when I heard some gasps and mummers coming from the audience. I wanted to open my eyes to see what was going on but I wasn't going to throw away my grade all because of a chatty audience.

'My Romeo' grew closer and the first thing that hit me like a punch in the gut was a certain smell. A smell that only belonged to one person.

Another punch to my stomach was his voice. The same on that makes me feel like I'm the only one in the room.

But the ultimate kick to the face was….

"There she lies, how I wish to see her eyes once more…."

He was making up lines.

I heard his footsteps coming closer to my 'bed' before I heard his fingers brushing against the slate I was laying on.

"And to think what treasures I would hold if I could hear her voice…."

For a moment, I felt my senses dulling as the words he spoke sunk in. Everything he's saying is about the way I was planning to treat him and he knew it. He knew I wouldn't talk, or even look at him.

"But I know my own fate now, I must join her in our own eternity!"

His finger gently traced my jaw line before he leaned down and pressed his lips to my temple. I felt my lips twitch ever so slightly, wishing that they could suddenly be on my temple to capture his lips.

My sudden urge was squashed when I realized that he was going on with the plot, just improvising the lines.

I heard a popping of the vile we were using on stage before, "Ah apothecary, you speak honest words!"

And that was my clue to flutter my eyes open, fake concern etching over my face at the sight of Joe grasping his chest.

"My love! Why has fate brought you to my bed in this state!?!" Hey, if he can improv then so can I.

I had swung down from the bed I was laying on and was now holding Joe on the floor. If it wasn't for my forgotten anger and the fact that I had to be concerned right now, I would have jumped Joe. Let's just say that he looks better in Romeo's costume than Nathan….

Joe smiled weakly before coughing, "Ah Juliet, to hear you speak and see your eyes warms me so. My love, I feel myself slipping, just grant me one more wish…"

I resisted the urge to raise my eyebrows, "Of course dear Romeo, speak of your wish."

"Forgive me for acts of ignorance. Blood has been spilled on the floor from my deeds! Please, let me leave with a clean slate!"

I buried my head into his chest with my face facing the audience, "Of course my dear Romeo. But please do not leave me!"

I lifted my head to see his eyes closed, head tilted to the side slightly.

And that's when I actually got back to my real lines, "What's this? My love has drunken poison and not a drop left for me!?"


"And that was our show! Now please welcome our actors!!" Mr. Deerfeild shouted into a microphone.

The line of order was from the smallest parts to the biggest, meaning that I was to walk on stage last.

Romeo and Juliet's parents and family had just walked onto stage so now it was time for mine and Romeo's turn. I laced my fingers with Nathan and craned my head to see Joe behind me back in his normal clothes, seeing how he had to give it back to Nathan. Before Nathan and I walked on stage I took Joe by surprise and quickly grabbed his hand, lacing his hand with mine so I could drag him on stage.

As soon as we walked on the audience was deafeningly loud, all standing up to give us applause. It wasn't hard to see the amused look of mine, Joe's, and Nathan's parents face, or hear the loud cheering coming from Joe's 3 other brothers.

We walked backwards and together linked hands with the rest of the cast, taking a final bow before heading backstage.

I pecked Nathan on the cheek before turning to give Joe the most evil look I could muster.

Before he could run away I grabbed his ear before dragging him into a broom closet. Not bothering to turn on the light, I closed the door and pushed Joe into a wall.

"Nicole, I-"

I cut him off by crushing his lips with my own. Joe didn't respond at first, but then eagerly returned my kiss.

He pulled away shortly after, "Wait, does this mean that I'm forgiven?"

I glared at him before slapping his face, "Now you are."

He nodded his head slightly while rubbing his face, "I guess I deserved that…"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, ya did! Now shut up and kiss me."

Joe smiled down at me and I only could slightly before his lips met my own.

I didn't know how much time passed with us like this and I didn't care. Well at least I didn't till I heard a banging at the door.

"I'm not going to come in there because I like my vision, but if you two don't come out there within 5 seconds I'm getting Jace to bust down this door!" Denise shouted from the other side of the door accompanied with laughter.

I pulled away quickly, almost sticking my foot in what felt like a bucket.

I heard Joe trying to fix his shirt and hair, me copying his actions.

"5...4...3...don't make me get to one Joseph Adam!" Denise shouted.

Joe swiftly opened the door, not taking Denise as a joke like I was, and I followed behind, my face beat red.

When I looked up I saw Nick, Kevin, Jace, Nathan, Nathan's parents, and my own parents trying to hold in their laugher with their hands over their mouths.

Joe was grabbed by the ear, "What were you thinking Joseph Adam!"

She then looked over at me, "You did a lovely job tonight dear."

"Joseph you could have messed up the entire production!"

"And you look lovely by the way sweetie!"

It went on like this for quite some time, scolding Joe then complimenting me, before Paul stepped in, "Ok honey, I think he gets it! Now how about we all go to dinner!"

I felt several pairs of eyes land on me to wait for my approval.

I smiled, "I call shotgun!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the long wait guys, but you already know the my story; school.

But thank you thank you thank you! for sticking around with me, and I can see the end of the story in a few chapters!
