I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

Dessert Time

"So then all three of them go running, screaming, to our neighbors house, telling them they thought I was dead!!!"

Everyone at our table, which was a crazy amount of 15 people, howled in laughter. Well everyone except the three eldest Jonas brothers, who were trying to slide under the table to be unseen. Through my laughter fogged brain it wasn't hard to tell that this was Mr. And Mrs. Jonas's way of getting back at their sons for never telling the two girls that they have grown close to the past couple months.

When the laughter died down again, I was still smiling when I looked around at the people sitting at our table. There was the whole Jonas pack, Frankie, Nick, Joe, Kevin, Denise, and Paul. Then there was Jace and her dad (her parents divorced a long time ago) who were sitting next to Nathan and his mom and dad. And then there was me and my parents, whom I'd be going back to Virginia in a week for winter break.

I don't think I could be happier then being surrounded by the people I love.

"Dessert time!" The waitress said, who was followed by 4 other waitress carrying our yummy treats.

I stand corrected. Now I couldn't be happier.

I was happily eating my chocolate cake when I felt someone rubbing their foot on my leg. Fork halfway to my mouth, I looked up, almost having a heart attack when I saw Kevin sending a flirtatious look towards Jace, who was sitting to my immediate right.

Friggin gross!

I put down my fork and started to kick at the leg rubbing against my own. Kevin's look faltered slightly, but when Jace winked back his confidence rose 2 levels.

Ew! Ew! Eww! Kevin flirty cooties!!!!

Trying to keep my face from showing my horror, I kicked Kevin again, this time using the heel of my high heels. Kevin winced, but didn't bother to look down, but thankfully his foot stopped rubbing against my own. Instead, he locked both of his legs around one of my own. I had to stop myself from stabbing my eyes with my fork when Kevin's flirtatious look turned into something resembling seductive.

Joe, who was sitting on Kevin's immediate right directly in front of me, saw my distressed face and raised his eyebrows. With my eyes, I pointed to under the table.

Slyly looking at everyone to make sure that no one would notice, he ducked his head underneath the table cloth, only to come back red in the face from trying to not laugh out loud.

With my free foot, I kicked Joe's knee, making his laughter turn into a inaudible grunt.

He shot me a deadly look, which I returned with the horror of Kevin's facial expressions stuck in my head for all of eternity. I jerked my head to the side, telling Joe to tell Kevin that he's wasting his terrible seducing skills on an innocent bystander.

Joe stuck his tongue out at me before whispering something in Kevin's ear, making his face go ghostly white before he ducked his head underneath the tablecloth, coming up tomato red. His legs untangled themselves from around mine and he refused to look me in the eye.

Satisfied that I was no longer being leg raped I continued with my cake, only to start choking when I heard the adults conversations.

"Yes, the boys are expected to go on another tour very soon!" Denise beamed.

I stopped my eyes from narrowing into a glare, but when I turned to Joe, my eyes said it all.

He started squirming in his seat, before fishing out his phone and frantically pressing buttons.

A vibration was heard from my phone and I fished it out to see a text from Joe.

From: DJ Danger!
To: Ni-Kohl!

Surprise? =/

I ran my fingers along the keys

From: Nicole
To: Dead Jonas

Not. Funny.

Joe sighed and pinched his nose bridge. He slid his phone back into his pocket, and didn't finish his dessert for the rest of the evening.

"It was really great meeting you all tonight!" the parents gushed, all saying their goodbyes.

As the parents and little Frankie crowed into a circle their children all crowded in a similar one out of ear shot of their parents.

It was a tense circle, Nathan, Jace, and I on one side of the circle and the Jonas's on the other.

"So how was tour?" Nathan asked, trying to break the ice between the indifferent couples.

"Pretty good, we got to get an old lady to say 'cheerio'!" Nick said, also trying to ease the tension.

Seeing their attempts fail, Nick and Nathan slowly backed away from the two couples, striking up a conversation of their own.

I looked down at my heels and kicked at imaginary rocks, letting the thought of Joe leaving me again mull around in my head. During dessert I realized that I wasn't mad at him, I would just miss him to much.

Without thinking, I lunged forward and through my arms around Joe's neck. He stumbled a little but wrapped his arms around my waist regardless.

I hid my face in his shoulder, not ready to let him go. I wasn't ready to let him go when Mandy came around, I'm not sure I could do it for the third time.

With my eyes closed, it really was just me and Joe, no parents chatting in the background, no Nick and Nathan, and no Jace and Kevin, just Joe and I. The way I wanted it.

Joe's thumb was rubbing against my bare shoulder blade and was ticking my ear as he spoke words that flew past my ear and acknowledge meant. I let his scent enter my nose and I was completely lost in our own world until I was woken back up by the chuckle that was shaking Joe's chest.

"Nicole did you hear a word I said?" Joe asked, his breath splashing across my face when I looked up at him.

"Not really…." I smile sheepishly at him.

"I said I want you to come on tour with us."

I kept on staring up at him, the restaurants making his eyes a bright honey color, "But…I..-are you…what!?!"

Joe chuckled again and gently pushed my head back down on his shoulder, "I want you to come with us! I know I was only gone for a month last time, but it was still to much for me. Even now it still mind blowing that you took me back after everything that I've done, but regardless, I still want you to come with us… are you up for it?"

Good question….
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Hey everyone, sorry that this is kinda a filler, but I'm trying to write for you every weekend!

But thank you thank you thank you for all of the wonderful comments you leave me! It really does inspire me to write more and think of new story ideas!
