I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

Tasting Joe Jonas

Once everyone has settled down after my little "adventure" I was caught up on the latest news, such as the rest of Metro Station was currently lounging in the nearest hotel because they didn't want to impose (thankfully, the hotel was about a 10 minutes walk away) and that tomorrow morning I was to board the Jonas's tour bus and head off to the Newport News airport to pick up Mandy.

Well, there goes my fun mood.

Also, Jace told me that Nathan was told about his families dilemma last night, and he selflessly kept it to himself so he wouldn't ruin my Christmas morning. But Jace told me that he did expect a phone call about my Christmas surprise.

Please, for something like that, he deserves a frikin cake with any celebrity he wants to pop out of it.

Speaking of celebrities, there was currently five of them sitting in my living room with their family and a certain significant other, which means they have money. And after them telling me how much they made during the year, spending money on me was done without a second thought, meaning my gifts looked very expensive.

Sulking because I hadn't bought anyone anything yet, I opened up Frankie's and Mr. And Mrs. Jonas's gifts first. In the rectangular box Frankie handed to me, there was a beautiful silver bracelet that was circular and linked together, each with a small diamond on them. In the boxes the Jonas parents handed me was an elegant yet simple black dress with a black purse packed underneath the dress. In Mr. Jonas's box was a pair of black high heels with a label that read Prada, a matching label to that of Mrs. Jonas's dress.

Then it came back to Miley and Trace. They basically scoffed at the idea of just handing me a simple CD, so they lead me to my room and opened my closet door to reveal a brand new sound system that they told me was costume made for me. There were to fat speakers with blue rimming around it, and two shiny silver boxes each one made so I can adjust anything I want to about the sound; bass, fading, volume, vibrations, etc.

And finally, there was the brothers gifts. They stood together, all smiles when Nick handed me the long rectangular box which held a regular, didn't look like anything special, key. I raised my eyebrows at the small silver key, "*cough* go outside *cough*" Kevin hinted.

I groaned at the crazy possibility of what my gift could be, but I slipped on a jacket and my shoes before stepping back outside into the bitter Virginia weather.

"And now for the fun part!" Nick said excitedly before covering my eyes. A rough hand, and a somewhat smoother hand grabbed my flailing arms and they lead me to -well my death for all I know.

After mindless wondering on my part we came to a halt. With Nick's hands still over my eyes, the rougher hand (which was obviously Kevin's) grabbed my hand in his own and together we unlocked something. Something squeaked open and I was walked into somewhere where the temperature was only slightly warmer than outside.

"TADA!" Joe, Kevin, and Nick shouted while my eyes were uncovered.

We were standing in the shed in my backyard that was filled with gardening tools and miscellaneous spider webs. But the point of the trip was the three beautiful guitars that were practically glowing. On each guitar there was a tag that read the name of which brother the guitar came from in fancy cursive writing and a red ribbon tied to each.

I felt my jaw go slack, but I saw no point in trying to close it since it would only fall back open again when I figured out how much the guitars cost.

My body acting without my brain's consent, I felt myself hugging each brother and letting a stream of never ending thank yous' flow out of my mouth.

When my brain did finally catch up with my body, a pair of delicious Joe Jonas lips were on my own and my body didn't seem to mind much.

Well, there goes the rest of my concentration.

As the war of lips ended to my dismay, I took note of how Kevin and Nick had scurried back to the house sometime during our little make out session.

"I know you're going to kill me for this, but I have 2 more presents for you," Joe murmured as he let go of my waist to grab something that was hidden behind out lawn mower.

He returned to my side with a violin case and extracted from it a glossy black violin , placing it under his chin, taking a deep breath and then bringing the bow across it.

As he continued to play what he whispered was "my song", euphoria had hit my stomach and was churning around contents that would have surely come out if I dared to interrupt Joe's playing.

After what I hoped was eternity, Joe brought the violin away from his face, "I know it wasn't that good, but I wanted you to get the idea of it. I'm still trying to get a cert-" I didn't care to find out what the end of his rambling was, silencing him with my lips was my only goal.

Happy as I was with the tightness of our bodies, it wasn't enough to keep me completely happy in Virginia winter, and Joe must have felt that when I shivered.

"How about I help you lug the rest of your gifts in?" Joe asked, a smile on his face.

I nodded, eager to get out of the cold. With the violin case in one hand, and Nick's blue electric guitar in the other, Joe his and Kevin's guitars) and I headed back towards my house which seemed to be in the full holiday mood.

Once I showed my music loving father my recently acquired gifts, and Joe got the official "welcome to the family" hand shake, we joined the rest of the "kids" in my room.

Since I had a twin sized bed, I had plenty of floor room, but for some odd reason they all decided to cramp on my bed.

Trace, Miley, Kevin, Jace, Nick, and Miley all lay horizontally on my bed on their backs staring at my ceiling. They had my new stereo on so they didn't hear Joe and I enter, which gave us perfect access to jump and completely smush everyone underneath us.

Ah, how I love the holidays.

The rest of the day was spent doing holiday festivities. We ate my mothers buffet of a dinner, went caroling, and when we finally realized our toes were probably freezing from the caroling, we all hoped in the Jonas Brother's tour bus and went to go look at holiday decorations.

As everyone pressed their faces against the windows up in the front of the bus, Joe and I snuck into the bunk area where he wanted to show me his favorite Christmas present.

It was a picture of me.

The picture dated back to the day I first came to the Jonas's home and I was left in the backyard looking at their beautiful garden because Joe was wrestling with Kevin. Connected in the frame next to it was the picture of Joe and I kissing in his "thinking tree", both of our eyes closed but you could still see my solid grip on the branch in case of an uncomfortable alternative way down.

I smiled as I saw that this picture was hung right next to his pillow, making it priority to what he would see in the morning when he woke up.

However, showing my "thanks" to Joe was cut short when Kevin stuck his head in the bunk room, telling us it was time to stop "eating each others faces" and to come back to my house.

Apparently we were parked right in front of my house. Well, tasting Joe Jonas can do some things to your mind.
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Ok I'm so sorry that I have been taking a long time
And I'm sooo happy that you guys have been sticking through with me this whole time!
ALSO! I know there's a lot of gifts in this story, so it would be amazing if someone could send me the code so I can put the link to the pictures!
But once again, thank you guys so much!