I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

The Wrath of Annoyed Females

Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. My eyes followed the small tennis ball that Nathan was throwing at the bathroom door for the past 15 minutes. Where he got it from bugs the air out of me, but what irritated me more was the fact that I was already late for my date with Joe, and Jace was still getting ready.

"I swear to my dead fish that I'm going to kill you if you don't hurry up Jace!" I screamed at the closed door.

Just as I was about to break down the door and drag Jace out by her hair, she opened the door and my jaw went slack.

Damn her, she looked gorgeous.

Her hair was slightly curled, and she was clad in a two piece black and white bathing suit with a black soft mesh shawl wrapped around her hips. Everything was so simple, yet she managed to pull it off like it was straight from a fashion magazine.

Nathan picked Jace up and started swirling her around, "Aww! Look how adorable you look!"

"Yeah yeah, let's go people!" I snapped, pushing them both toward the door, ignoring their rude comments.

I think they'd understand my embarrassing desire to see Joe in a bathing suit.

The 10 minute drive to the beach turned out to be a 20 minute ride because of the traffic that made me want to tear my hair out, but since I need it tonight I chose to bug the hell of out Jace.




"Stop it Nicole."


"I'll lick your face!"

My finger was already raised to poke her again, inching closer and closer to my irritated best friend.

"Don't do it." She warned.


"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed out in disgust as my friend tackled me and as promised, licked my face.


"Nathan! She licked me!"

"Nathan! She's annoying me!"

"Nu uh!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Shut up or I'll lick you again!"

"No you won't!"

"Eww! Nathan! She did it again!"

"You had it coming!"

"Nu uh!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Oh my god! Shut up! We're here already! Geez!" Nathan shouted, practically jumping out of his own car to escape the wrath of annoyed females.

I quickly slipped my sandals off and headed towards the fire pit nearest the lifeguard station, leaving my friends in my sandy dust.

When I saw the orange glow of a fire ahead I slowed down and tried to smooth down my hair inconspicuously. I flicked my tongue over my teeth to make sure I had nothing unwanted stuck there before I coolly walked over to the group sitting around the fire pit.

And when I say coolly I mean it was awkward at first, and I had to catch myself from tripping twice.

A figure in a black shirt and red swim trunks stood up and started jogging towards me, and I felt my heart jump when I saw that it was Joe.

"Hey! I knew it was you once I saw you trip!" was his greeting as he pulled me into a hug.

My face flushed and I prayed that the night covered that up.

"Where are your friends?" Joe asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

My eyes widened a bit and I turned around quickly to see a running pair in the distance.

In no time Nathan and Jace were huffing and puffing, bent over trying to catch their breath in front of Joe and I.

"Err….hi guys." I said weakly, feeling bad that I had left them to fend for themselves.

"'Hi guys' my butt! That's the last time I come here with you!" Jace said in between her panting.

I nervously laughed and properly introduced Joe to Nathan (again) and Jace, feeling slightly insignificant standing next to her.

Together the four of us walked over to the fire pit, where we were introduced to a handful of people, including Kevin, Nick, and a girl who was introduced as Miley who was hanging on Nick's arm.

I smiled at the girl, but something about her struck me as familiar.

"Do you want to roast a marshmallow?" Joe asked, holding out a stick with a marshmallow already on it.

Like he needed to offer.
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Thanks for being so patient with me guys! But here's your two updates I promised!
