I'd Like To Order A New Heart Please

The Baby Ward

My eyes felt like a ton of bricks but the clatter of people around me reminded me where I was and what had happened.

I pried my eyes open to see the back of Joe's head as he talked to a police officer.

The officer said something, then nodded towards me, causing Joe to turn around and smile down at me.

"Hey sleepy head, how ya feeling?" He asked, gently brushing some hair out of my eyes.

I moved to sit up slowly, and looked down to see that I was laying in a stretcher by an ambulance.

"Huh, you wouldn't think that this thing was comfy, but it is." I mumbled, wiggling my butt around slightly.

Joe laughed lightly before grabbing my hand, "I'm glad your awake, you scared the living daylights out of me!"

I smiled and looked down at out intertwined fingers to cover up the blush that was forming on my face.

How stupid was it for me to pass out?

I kept my head down and tried to avoid the gaze of Joe all night, even during the sober test that the police men had me do.

We were let off because we were the only ones who stayed to help put the fire out and the fact that there wasn't a drop of alcohol in our systems.

Once I was told that I could go home I hauled my butt right into the awaiting arms of Nathan and didn't come out till he had promised to buy me all the ice cream I wanted to drown myself in.

I walked with him, Jace, and a shaken up Miley because the Jonas's were no where in sight.

"Where's the Jonas boys?" Jace asked, pouting slightly.

If I was in a better mood I probably would have made a comment about her wanting to flirt more with Kevin, but my overriding embarrassment kept my mouth shut.

"Hey guys!" Nick said running up to us.

"Nick? Where have you been?!" Miley shouted, latching herself onto Nick, who held her securely in his arms.
Listen, I have to go to the hospital, Kevin got badly burnt and needs to get it checked out." Nick said.

My heart beat increased a little, and I already knew that whether they wanted us there or not, Jace, Nathan, and I were going to go make sure that Kevin was fine.

Nick said that it wasn't that big of a deal, but said that it would be fine if we came along anyways.

We split our separate ways, Joe, Nick and Miley in Joe's car and Nathan, Jace, and I in ours, and headed to the nearest hospital where Kevin was.

The atmosphere in the waiting room was tensed either for the entrance of Kevin, or between Joe and I.

Nathan was in between Jace and myself, being used as a human pillow by both of us, leaning our heads on his shoulders.

I was on the verge of sleep when a hysteric woman burst through the doors, carrying a sleepy toddler in her arms.

"Is my baby alright?" She asked out loud.

I looked at the boy in her arms and I thought he looked fine, but hey, I'm no doctor.

"They said he's going to be fine mom." Nick said, walking across the room to embrace the woman, Joe following behind him.

I took in the appearance of the woman and the boy again and finally was able to see the similarities between all of them.

A frantic man burst into the room seconds later, "Is he okay?" he asked out loud.

Ah, this must be the father.

"Yeah dad, he's going to be fine." Joe said, embracing his father.

Yay! I get brownie points.

I watched as the family passed hugs all around and even Miley joined in on the hugging fest, I felt like I was invading a family moment so I turned my attention to Nathan and Jace who seemed to be in the same predicament as I was.

"Mom, Dad, Frankie, I want you to meet some friends of ours," Nick started as our que to stand up. "This is Jace, Nathan, and Nicole. Guys this is our mom, dad, and little brother Frankie."

Instead of handshakes I received hugs which caught me off guard slightly.

We sat down again, them on one side of the waiting room, us on the other side.

I let my eyes wander until they set on Miley. Something about her seemed so familiar and it was driving me insane not knowing what it was.

I sighed and got up from my seat, mumbling to Nathan that I was going to get some coffee.

I wandered the halls until I reached the coffee machine and was happy to have the steaming cup of coffee in my hands.

"Hey." A voice said from behind me, making me jump slightly.

I didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Joe, but it's not like I could face the wall and talk to him…….even if I wanted to.

I faced him with a small smile, "Hey."

He scratched his neck nervously, "Listen, I'm sorry this date turned out the way it did, and I wanted to apologize for the way everything turned out."

I looked at him, slightly puzzled, "Joe what are talking about? It's not like you could have prevented this from happening."

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "Wait, your not mad at me?"

I laughed slightly, "Of course not! Don't beat yourself up over it either, I had fun before all of that drama anyways, and that's what matters."

He let out a relieved laugh and opened his arms, which I gladly stepped into.

When we pulled away he had this look of confusion on his face, "So if you weren't mad at me, how come you wouldn't even look at me?"

I laughed nervously and felt my cheeks warming up again, "Well…I was a little embarrassed about that whole fainting thing….."

Joe laughed again and pulled me into another hug, "Don't beat yourself over it!" he said, making his voice higher so he sounded like me.

We laughed together and started to walk in a random direction that wasn't the way we came.

Our hands intertwined, swinging I looked around slightly confused, "Joe, where are we going?"

He smiled sheepishly, "I was following you."

I laughed again and spun around to take us back the way we came when Joe tugged on my hand.

"Wait, do you hear that?" he said while pulling me in the direction that we were headed before I turned around.

As we walked closer I did hear something, a faint crying.

We followed the noise and found ourselves in front of a large glass window, allowing outsiders to peek into the baby ward.

The baby that was crying was the only one awake, and was close enough to the window for me to read the name Alexander Ryan on the clip board that was attached to his bed.

His wailing surprisingly haven't woken up any of the other babies, and there didn't seem to be a nurse coming in anytime soon to cease the crying, so I gently tapped the window.

Alexander stopped crying almost instantly and rested his bright brown eyes on me. I smiled and waved to the baby and I swear he smiled at me before closing his big brown eyes and drifting off to sleep.

"How did you do that?" Joe asked next to me. I jumped a little, forgetting that he was still holding my hand.

"I dunno." I replied honestly.

Joe just smiled down at me and shook his head slightly, "You never cease to amaze me Nicole."

Joe and I turned around and walked back to the way we came, and when we were back at the waiting room I was surprised to see Kevin sitting down amongst everyone.

"Kevin!" I exclaimed happily, letting go of Joe's hand to hug Kevin, who had white gauze wrapped around his hand.

Apparently he had returned 5 minutes after I left to get some coffee, so they've been waiting for us to come back for quite some time.

And of course when I was told this I blushed like mad and apologized a million times.

As we were all leaving I went to reach for my bag when I realized that it was no where in sight.

When I voiced this to everyone it all seemed to click in everyone's mind that the majority of the stuff was still at the beach, including Kevin's car.

Once again, we all got into our separate cars and headed towards the beach to gather our stuff, where I began to get a new found hate for the beach.