The Young and the Hopeless

Years later

"Jesus Christ."

I threw open my car door, still swearing under my breath. The driver in the vehicle behind me stepped out into the bright sunlight at the same time. I let out a string of curse words that the Devil would be proud of when I saw who it was.

"Joel Reuben, what the fuck!"


"Yeah. What? Do you not know how to drive?"

"I'm sorry. But wow. You look. . .the same."

"Don't change the subject. Did you not see me?"

"I said I'm sorry. Does that not account for anything?"

"Depends on what you're apologising for."

"Uh, duh. Hitting your car."

"Don't you 'duh' me, you prick. What the fuck is your problem?"

"My problem? What's yours?"

"The fact that my ex-boyfriend runs into my car and is a jackass about it. Oh, and the fact that he wrote a whole damn album about me."

"I did not! Quit flattering yourself."

"Oh, don't lie, Joel. I'm not stupid."

"Then explain how you get I wrote a record about you."
