A Beautiful Lie


He loves me. He may not show it but I know he does. He does nice things for me and I do nice things for him. But he gets angry. So does everyone else. Families fight. We're a family, right? He considers me as the woman and he's the man and we're happy. We love each other. I wonder what it would be like if we were married.

David laid on the couch, fantasizing about their wedding day. Nathan would be so happy and slide that ring on his finger and have their special kiss and live together forever. He smiled to himself at that thought. He loved Nathan no matter what.

He got up and decided to make breakfast. Nathan would be hungry when he wakes up. He grabbed a pan from under the sink and sprayed it with Pam, then sat it on the stove and turned it on. He grabbed Hungry Jack pancake mix from a cupboard and measured out the mix and water and mixed it together. He poured out his first pancake and watched it sizzle in the pan. Then he felt arms wrap around his stomach and lips kiss his neck.

"Good morning, baby." Nathan said.

"Good morning, sweetheart." David answered.

Nathan inhaled the sweet scent and smiled.

"That smells good. I'm going to go shower. I'll be right back."

"Okay, darling. I'll be waiting here." David said and Nathan walked off.

Nathan ate his last piece on his plate and smiled.

"You're a great cook." Nathan said. "I'm so happy I have you."

"Thank you," David blushed. "But it's easy to make. It's nothing."

David washed off the plates and dried them off and put them away. He joined Nathan on the couch while Nathan was flipping through the channels looking for something decent to watch. Finally, he just shut off the TV and wrapped his arm around David.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too."

"I really love you and I want to show you."

"You always show me. You buy me flowers, give me kisses, hold my hand; you're always showing me,"

Nathan chuckled. "You're so cute."

He laid his lips on David's and David kissed back. Then he slid his hands down David's back until he reached the hem of his shirt. He tugged it up and pulled it off, then pulled his off.

"Nathan," David said quietly but Nathan cut him off.

"I love you, David. Let me show you. You'll like it. Don't worry." He said and slowly pushed David down on his back on the couch. He climbed on top and started unbuttoning David's button.

He unbuttoned and unzipped David's jeans and pulled them down and off and threw them on the floor. Then he took his off and threw them down next to David's.

"Nathan, I really don't want to do this." David said quietly.

"David, we're sharing our love. You love me, right?" David nodded his head. "So if you didn't love me, you wouldn't do this." David didn't know what to do.

"Nathan, I love you but I'm not ready."

"You will be." Nathan whispered in David's ear and slid his hand down David's boxers and grabbed his member.

David inhaled sharply at the new sensation on him. He squeezed his eyes shut and whispered no over and over until Nathan covered his mouth with his lips.

Nathan started moving his hand up and down David and could feel it getting harder and harder.

David had no control over it. It just started happening and couldn't stop it. Nathan was touching him somewhere he didn't want to be touched and he was showing him that he was enjoying it when he really wasn't. David mentally smacked himself for letting it happen.

Nathan smiled and whispered in David's ear pleasurable words that one would say when they're enjoying another one's company. David didn't like it. He wasn't ready. He was being pushed.

Nathan gradually stroked faster and faster. David let out a cry and Nathan took it as a moan and moaned David's name. David was crying. Tears ran down his cheeks while he was being violated and he did nothing about it. Pathetic.

Nathan stopped when David came in his hand. Nathan wiped his hand off on David's boxers and sat up on the other side of the couch. David wiped the tears from his face before Nathan could see but Nathan didn't even look at him.

After a few minutes, Nathan looked at David. "Go clean yourself up." He said and got up and washed off his hand in the kitchen sink. Then walked back to the couch and got dressed.

David grabbed his clothes off the floor and put them in the bathroom. He walked out and into his bedroom and grabbed a clean pair of boxers and walked back into the bathroom.

He took off his contaminated boxers and threw them on the floor and turned on the hot water to the shower. Then he stepped in and let the water run down his bare body. He looked down at himself. How could he let this happen? How could he just let Nathan take over and violate him? He grabbed the soap and a washcloth and started scrubbing at himself to erase what happened. He started to hurt himself so he stopped. He washed off the rest of his body and got out and dried himself off. He put on his clothes and didn't know what to do then.

He walked out of the bathroom and saw that Nathan was sitting on the couch watching TV and decided to go in their bedroom. He walked into the bedroom and sat down and the tears came. He started crying which turned into sobbing and he started blaming himself for everything.

I didn't stop him. Now I'm like everyone else. He's stolen my virginity and I wanted to wait for our honeymoon. I'm not pure anymore. I don't feel all happy and giddy anymore. I'm just a dirty whore. Nobody's going to like me anymore. I'm nothing. I'm dirty. No matter how many showers I take and how hard I scrub myself, I'll still be dirty and I'll never be able to erase what happened. I'll always be the baby too scared to stick up for myself.

Nathan heard David crying and got up and walked to the door. He pushed it open and saw David sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. Nathan walked over to him and sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around David and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Nathan asked.

"You- You-" David hiccupped a cry and yelled, "You raped me!"

"No, no I didn't, David. I showed you that I love you. You love me and you said you did and you said that you wouldn't let me do that if you didn't love me. Are you telling me that you don't love me?"

"Stop playing with me! You touched me and I didn't want to be touched! I hate you! I don't want to look at you!" David yelled.

"You hate me?" Nathan asked. "Excuse me, but who keeps you in this apartment? Who goes to work and busts their ass all day to pay for this apartment? Who saves money to spoil you and buy you gifts? Who pays for the food you make? Who pays for the TV you watch? You love me, David! You wouldn't last one day without me! I give you everything and you treat me like this after I ask for one thing from you? You are a spoiled brat! You get out of my apartment! Maybe then you'll open your eyes a little more to the shit you get away with!"

"Nathan, wait!" David yelled but Nathan grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room and to the door.

"Don't apologize now, David. All of this is your fault. You could've kept your mouth shut, but no." Nathan opened the door. "Get the hell out of my apartment!" He pushed David out and David fell into the hallway wall.

"Wait!" David yelled and ran for the door but Nathan shut it and locked it and put the chain lock on and walked away. "Nathan!" David yelled and pounded on the door. "NATHAN!"

David decided to give up. He wasn't going to get Nathan's attention by throwing a temper tantrum. He slid down the door and sat wit his head resting on his knees. He wanted to cry again but he was tired. It was only noon and he'd already been raped, abused, screamed at, screamed, and kicked out of his apartment.

He laid down and rested his head on the welcome mat.

Could this day get any worse?