Don't Love Me

It's Over

Amidst all the hustle and bustle going on at the Los Angeles Airport, nobody bothered to notice one celebrity walking slowly through the crowd. Her hat was down, covering most of her face, and hair shadowing her.

And three more celebrities, running quickly through the crowds, calling out her name as they had been doing for the last two days, not sure when her flight took off, where she was going, where in the world she was right now. They weren't even sure if she had left yet.

But Blake Weldm, as she heard her flight being called for, had made up her mind. She stood and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and waving to the little girl she had been talking to for the last half hour.

"We're really leaving?" Connor asked her, grabbing his backpack tightly, looking at his big sister.

Blake didn't look down at him, just nodded while staring out the window. Connor sighed and followed her gaze, but there was nothing to be looked at. He shook his head at his older sister's odd behavior, unable to get used to that Blake was worse off than she had been before.

"Bee! Connor!" Connor turned after realizing Blake hadn't registered that she was being called and watched Daphne run down the aisle and stop in front of them.

"Blake... today? No, no, no, you can't leave! Blake, it isn't over! You could... could ignore them and live, nothing's over!"

"It is for me." Blake said quietly. "I... loved them both, so so much, I just... can't live here anymore. I can't stand to see them ever again."

Daphne's hand fell limply by her sides, her friend wasn't going to be deterred.

"I'll fly there every break I get."

"Focus on college." a small smile spread on Blake's face, "Become a therapist like you wanted to. Visit when you can. I'll call you when I get there."

"Please do." Daphne's eyes felt dull, she bent down to look Connor in the eye, "Take care of your sister. Drink your milk. All that stuff."

Connor's intense gaze didn't waver, his overwhelming maturity shining through. "I will. Bye, Daph."

"Bye guys."

The two quietly turn and walk to the attendant, handing her their tickets and getting a wave through. Daphne sadly turned and shuffled down the aisle, looking up when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You're Daphne, right? Is Blake...?" Nick looks over her shoulder, at the closed doors for the flight as his brothers appear behind him.

"She's gone."

There's a whimper and Daphne, Nick, and Kevin turn to look at Joe, who's face is in his hands, tears dripping down from between his fingers. All three looked away, unsure of what to say, not wanting to look at Joe, who looked like a little boy now, crying quietly. Kevin whipped his head around as Joe turned and ran down the aisle, disappearing in the crowd of people.

Nick turned and walked in the opposite direction, shoulder's slumped. Kevin looked at Daphne and wrapped her in a hug, then released her, said a quiet goodbye and turned to go find his two brothers.

Daphne sighed loudly and turned to look at the door again, still closed. She watched a plan roar off into the sky through the window and wondered if Blake was on it, unseeing and unhearing.

She turned and purposely made her way to the doors of the airport, willing herself not to cry while thinking repeatedly.

It's over, it's over, it's over.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's over!!! Please comment and tell me.


Because I love them both.

Please comment, and thank you everyone who read and commented and subscribed!
