A Picture Changed My Life Forever

Certainly Not You.

- - STILL SAM'S P.O.V - -

After the privacy Frank and I shared, he told me to call the rest.
The rest of My Chemical Romance came in with grins.
"So, what happened in here?" Ray asked.
"Our Sammy plays the guitar," Frank said, pointing to me.
I looked down and nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Gee asked, giving me a quick noogie.
I released myself from his grip. And hit him lightly. "I didn't want to. Because then I might be compared to Frank."
"You play rhythym guitar?" Mikey asked. He stumbled clumsily over to me and I giggled. He took my left hand and felt my fingers just like Frank did. "You do play the guitar. Were you in a band?"
I openned my mouth to answer, but Frank cut in. "Yeah! She was in a band without drums."
Bob pretended to be insulted but failed. He ended up laughing instead. "What kind of band is that?"
"Hippie," I said with a smile. "They replaced the drums with bongos."
"Maybe we should do that," joked Ray.
Bob laughed and wrestled Ray. The two ended up rolling on the floor laughing.
"Hey! No wrestling without me!" yelled Frank.
"But you can't, old man," Mikey said.
"Exactly. Which means no wrestling," he said. "And I'm not old. Your brother's old, not me. I'm younger than you, for fuck's sake!"
Gee giggled and sat me on his knee.
Then Brian came in the room. "Dammit! Frank! What happened to you?"
"Skateboarding accident," he replied quietly.
It was like watching a principal disciplining a naughty student for cheating on a major exam. I stiffled a giggle.
Brian looked at me. "Who's that?"
"This is Sam," Gee replied, stroking my hair. "You know the Rolling Stone photoshoot? Well, the photographer was her dad. Her dad had to go to some mile-off photoshoot and there was no one to take care of her. So we thought it would be okay if she was in the tour with us..."
"What about her mom?" Brian asked, massaging his forehead.
I gasped a bit and looked away. I bit my lip that a bead of blood squeezed out.
"She's gone," I said, in a hoarse tone.
"Well, I'm sorry for that, sweetie. But how could you do that without my permission?"
"We though it would be okay," Ray defended. "And she plays the guitar, too."
Brian looked back at Frank. "Who made you go on the skateboard?"
"I did." Frank looked at me for a while and had a don't-tell-the-fucking-truth face on. "I was watching a video of Tony Hawk and I was playing Tony Hawk's American Wasteland on the PS2, and I thought maye I should try skateboarding."
What the fuck? After him getting injured because of me, I'm not letting him take the blame.
I'm. Not. Letting. Him. Do. That.
"I made him get on the skateboard," I said.
Gee cupped his hands over my mouth. Frank looked at me, disappointed.
"See? You brought a trouble-maker with us! You made me lose my rhythym guitarist!" Brian yelled.
"I didn't want him to be injured!" I yelled back. He was talking about me like I wasn't even there!
Brian just ignored me. "What do you plan on doing?"
"Well, Sam plays the rhythym guitar, too," Frank started.
Brian looked at me and folded my arms across my chest. I muttered angrily under my breath.
"I'm not getting just any rhythym guitarist, certainly not her. And she can't come with us on tour. At least not the first concert. It's already hard enough for me to plan a concert in
Michigan, and they only allowed the band, me and the crew. It's hard enough for me to squeeze you guys in there and it's too much of a short notice to ask for a little girl to come along, too. I promise she can come in the other concerts. All the rest of the other concerts, just not the first one," he concluded.
He took in a deep breath. "So she has to stay in Frank's house. With Frank. And all the rest of you are coming with me to Michigan, alright?"