A Picture Changed My Life Forever


- - BACK TO SAM'S P.O.V - -

We were in Oakland, California. My Chemical Romance was busy rocking the stage up, and I was still too weak to go mosh pitting. So, I was backstage with Brian.

"So, Sam, wanna help me?" Brian asked.

I turned around so I was facing him. "Yeah, sure."

"Here, help me organize their fan mail," Brian said, raising an enormous cloth bag that was bulkier than bulky.

"Wow, they get that much fan mail? Everyday?" I asked, bewildered.

"No, every week."

"It's still alot though."

"Come on, help me."

So we spent the rest of their concerts organizing which fan mail is whose. In the end, Gerard undoubtedly got the most. Followed by Frank, then Mikey, then Bob, then Ray. Somtimes, the letters would be dedicated to everyone all-in-one, so that goes in a seperate bag.

The concert was done, and so was the fan mail job. "You guys were great!" I exclaimed.

Mikey, who was the least sweaty, gave me a hug. "Thanks."

"Guess who has fan mail?" Brian said, as he hoisted six bags in the air, three in each hand.

Everyone then started smiling and grabbing whichever bag was theirs. My Chemical Romance then started reading their fan mails until we got to the airport, and the whole time on the plane, and they only finished when we landed.

"Okay, Mikes. What's your weirdest fan mail this week?" Gee asked as he folded the lastest letter again.

"I wouldn't say 'weirdest', I'd say 'meanest and most delutional'. She has my vote for this week's poser." Mikey fished around his bag until he found the right letter. The letter was written on pink paper. He handed me the letter. "I think you should read it first..." So I openned the letter and immediately recognized the handwriting.

"Dear Mikey,

First off, I'm Carmella. I never really likedJessica Simpson My ChemicalRomans Romance, but there are a few emo fags in my school. Especially this one girl, Sam Sanders. She loves MCR. I hate her; she's so... I just hate her.

I Googled your band, and found out alot of stuff about you guys. But I chose to write to you. My favorite song from The Black Parade is Headfirst For Halos because it sounds so good.

You look too good for Alicia. Maybe you should go back to LA some time so we can get to know each other.


I basically fell out of my chair, laughing. "Yeah, she's got my vote for World's Biggest Poser."

"You go to school with this girl?" Ray asked, after reading the letter.

"Yeah, she's basically the commander of the preps who beat me," I replied, still laughing. "She's so pathetic."

Gee and Frank read the letter too and gave it to Bob. "I think we should write back," Gee said.

"Yeah, I think we should," Bob said, rereading the letter.

"What are you gonna tell her?" I asked, imagining the shocked look on her face when she gets told off by MCR in a letter.

"Things, Sammy, things," Gee said. Yeah, he calls me Sammy now. I feel so special, really, I do.

This big smile managed to show itself in my face.

A while later, since it was still early morning, we went to the hotel to make up for all the hours of sleep we missed.

{{Author's Note: Sadly, I couldn't think of another cliff hanger, so I'll just say it now. Yes, they will write back to Carmella. Other things I would've never expected that I'd write for this story would possibly happen, all in the next two chapters. ;D So tune in. O: And comment. And suscribe. Yeah. 8D}]