A Picture Changed My Life Forever

Never Coming Home...

We were all in the kitchen when the phone rang. I walked over to the side of the fridge where the phone was. I put it on loud-speaker so everyone could hear and so I could multi-task easier. "Hello?" I said loud enough so the phone could hear. I openned the fridge and got myself rootbeer.

"Hello?" The voice on the other side of the phone said.

"Dad!" I exclaimed. I put my rootbeer on the counter and got several others for the boys.

"Hey, Mr. Sanders!" My Chemical Romance chorused, still focusing on replying to the few chosen lucky fans.

"Hey, boys," Dad said. "Honey, Sam, you have to go back to California."

I basically choked on the rootbeer I was drinking. I grabbed the wireless extension and went to another room. The boys looked really shocked. They were about to stand up and grab the phone from me but I told them to stay. They understood I wanted privacy but Gerard didn't.

He chased me to the room I was in. "WE DON'T WANT HER TO GO, MR. SANDERS!" He yelled.

"Was that Gerard?" Dad asked.

"Yes, it was, Dad," I said, trying to fend Gee off with the other hand. "And I don't want to go, either. Why do I have to go back anyway?"

"Your school's starting again," Dad said.

"Who's gonna take care of me?" I said.


"NO!" I shouted. If you tell Dad that I beat you, I swear, I'm gonna kill you. Those were always Phil's words.

"Why not?" Dad said.

"Why do I have to study at home when I can just study here?" I asked Dad.

I saw Gee's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Asked Dad.

"Well, you always said that I was responsible enough to be homeschooled."

"Yes, but, honey---"

"And if you don't trust me enough, I'll get MCR to tutor me," I said, casually.

Gee was obviously shocked, but then he broke into a smile.

"I'm not so sure about that..." Dad said with every amount of hint in his voice that the world could handle.

"Why not, Dad?" I whined. Frank taught me how to whine so sympathetically that you get what you want. One of teh most valuable things I learned from him.

"They might not have enough time..."

I told Gee what Dad just said and he yelled, "No, actually, we've got lots of free time, Mr. Sanders."

"Are you sure?" Dad asked, doubtfully.

"Mhmm," Gee said.

Dad and I talked for a bit more and hung up.

Gee and I walked back to the kitchen. "So, student, what do you think of your new teachers?"