A Picture Changed My Life Forever

Assigning the Teachers

"So, guess who our new student is?" Gerard announced as we stepped into the kitcehn.

"Sam, we'll really miss you. When are you going back to California? Because we're planning on taking you whereever you want to go and---" Frank said, as if Gee said nothing at all.

"I'm not going anywhere, Frankie," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You're not?" He exclaimed with a smile.

"As I was saying... Guess who our new student is?" Gee said, waving his arms around for emphasis.

Ray looked shocked. "Oh my G---"

Gee looked estatic. "I know! Isn't it exciting?"

"We're teaching Sam?" Bob asked.

"Yeah!" I said, a big smile on my face.

MCR cheered and then the cheering died down. "Wait, but who teaches you what? And what subjects are there?" asked Mikey.

"Well, uh...." Gee scratched his head.

Ray sat me on his lap. "Well, Gee could teach you English since he makes the lyrics anyway...."

"Yeah, sure, and I could take Art, too. Anything but math," Gerard said as he took a seat next to Mikey.

"Speaking of which," Frank said, cheerfully, while scribbling furiously on his letter reply to a fan, "Ray could do Math. I mean, look at his hair. There's so much Math in it. Like, how many curls does his hair have? If his hair grows 0.000000001 millimeters an hour, and it's already 6 inches long, how long will it take to grow back if I pull out half of his afro? If we straightened his afro, how long will----"

"Okay, okay, we get it, Frank. I'll do Math then," Ray said, glaring at Frank.

Frank shrugged and smiled. "Everyone has two subjects each?"

"Yeah," replied Gee. Then he looked at me. "By the way, Sammy, no swearing in my class."

"Why the heck not?" I asked, curiously.

"Correction. Why the hell not?" Frank pointed out.

"What, you're teaching me Swear Lessons now?" I asked him.

"Damn straight."

"Fuck off."

"A+!" He yelled and clapped his hands.

Ray chuckled a bit. "No, Frank. You're taking PE and Home Economics."

"Home Economics? I can't stitch, Ray!" Frank whined.

"Yeah, you're gonna cook."

"Better call it Cajun-opoly instead," Frank muttered. "But okay. I'll take that." He smiled.

"Which means Bob takes History and Mikey takes Science," Ray announced.

Bob scoffed. "Why does he take Science?"

"Because I eat the brain food. Go sushi!" yelled Mikey.

"Wait, what other subjects could we take?" Bob asked.

"You take Gerardopoly and Mikey gets Eyecare," Frank suggested.

"There's a subject about me?" Gee asked, pretending to be shocked.

"No, just how to sing Bob's solo project," Frank said.

Gee scoffed but Frank winked at me. I kicked him from under the table. Just because I... I love Gee doesn't mean that I should have a whole subject about him.

But then again.... that would be fun....

"Wait a minute...." Mikey said.

"What?" his brother asked.

"That means Ray gets...."

"MUSIC!" Everyone shouted; Ray, with a huge smile on his face.

"Well, I guess it's fair since he works realy hard with the sheet music and everything..." Bob said.

There was a chorus of 'yeahs' and then an awkward silence. I was now:
a) touring with My Chemical Romance (!!!!)
b) Frank's third-cousin
c) Gee's number one fan ever ever ever ever ever.
d) MCR's student.

Then Frank smiled widely and pulled everyone out of the room. "What the... FRANK!" Everyone yelled.

Frank just continued dragging them away. He looked back at me and exclaimed, "Classes start in 15 minutes!"