A Picture Changed My Life Forever

I'd Like To Make A Scene.

April One.

It's nearing Gerard's birthday and I don't even have anything for him. On a side-note, it was nearing my birthday too. I winced at the very thought of that. One more year had gone by.

I walked around backstage humming whatever song My Chemical Romance was playing onstage at RDS, Dublin, Ireland. It just so happened to be I Don't Love You.

As I began to hum and sing the song, it felt as if Gerard was singing it for me. It felt as if he was singing it just to shove it in my face that we will never be.

A silent tear rolled down my cheek and I began to sing the chorus whole-heartedly.

When you go,
Would you even turn to say?
I don't love you...
Like I did


April Two.

Gosh. All this pressure is building up on me. Seven days 'til Gee's birthday... two days 'til my own.

"We're playing at KOKO today," Frankie said in a sing-songy way.

"Private concert, right?" I said.


"Do I get to go with you?"

Frankie scratched his head. " 'M not sure... Gee? Does Sammy get to go with us to KOKO?"

Gee sat beside me on the couch of the hotel suite of Frankie. He put his arm around me and held his coffee on his other hand. "O'course," he said, after taking a sip of his coffee.

Frankie smirked and I threw a pillow at him. He blocked it. "Hah!" He exclaimed. "I'm a ninja. I thought you knew that."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Then I remembered something. "Gee, what do you want for your birthday?"

Frankie looked interested. "Yeah, Gee. Do you want socks this year again?"

"No more socks, Frank," Gerard groaned. "I have a whole closet full of your socks."

Frankie pretended to look offended. "Psh. You love my gifts and you know it."

Gerard rolled his eyes and looked at me. "I want anything but socks. Actually, I'd appreciate anything coming from you, Sammy."

I smiled.

"What do you want for your birthday?"

The question hit me. "Uh... nothing... my birthday's far, far, far away. In fact, it's done!" I said, a little too quickly.

"You're hiding something..." Frankie said, mysteriously.


"Your birthday's near, isn't it?"

"No, it's not!"

I don't know why I had to make such a huge fuss about my birthday. Maybe the things that happened to me in my last birthday...