A Picture Changed My Life Forever

Funeral for A Mom

".... All in all, Melinda has been a good wife to me, a good mother to our children. I often wonder what she did to deserve this, but it must be her time...." Dad said. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
As he continued, I saw Phil beside Mandy. She was holding his hand and stroking it tenderly. How sweet, I thought.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a guy like that one day," whispered Ray.
"Was I thinking out loud again?" I asked.
He smiled. "Yeah, kinda."
Dad and Phil decided that the funeral should be held in this garden place then Mom would be transfered to the cemetary. The thought of Mom being buried and never seeing her again brought tears to my eyes. I looked down and sniffled. Ray put his arm around me and whispered, "Don't worry. You still have us, right? And the tour!" At that point, he grinned widely and rocked me back and forth.
I looked up at him and smiled.
"And now it is my pleasure to introduce a very famous band nowadays, my daughter's favorite band, My Chemical Romance!" Dad announced while clapping his hands.
A few teenies who attented (I blame Phil for letting Mandy invite her friends) screamed wildly which got the mics to act up. Gee smiled nervously. He mentioned a few days back that teenies scare the living crap outta him.
Frank got on stage since he played the acoustic guitar for the band. He waved to me and smiled with all his teeth in his Show-The-World-My-Sexy-Healthy-Teeth way.
"Hey everyone. We're gathered here in memory for a wonderful woman--- Melinda Sanders. Uh, our first song's.... um.... Helena. Oh. Our guitarist here is Frankie Iero and I'm Gerard Way.... er... one, two, three," said Gerard on the mic.
Bob and I suppressed a giggle. We weren't used to seeing Gee so serious. Frank played Helena on the guitar beautifully. I never thought that song on acoustic would sound so good. Gee sang well, too, as usual.
After Gee announced that Famous Last Words would be their next song, one of the teenies got up on stage and hugged him.
"Uh, thanks?" Gee said. Then he smiled. "I mean, thanks! Uh, have a great day?"
Miss Teenie got off the stage and smiled and stuck her thumb, forefinger and pinky up while screaming, "I LOVE YOUUU!"
Bob and I laughed, but not too loudly. Gee looked at us and had a whole what-the-hell look on his face. Frank started to play Famous Last Words and Ray began playing air guitar.
After Gee sang, he said, "Thank you," and got off the stage. Frank brought his guitar down and layed it on his black guitar case and zipped it shut. He and Gee walked over to us and smiled.
"I see the girl took a fancy in you, eh, Mister Fancy?" Bob said while laughing his unique Bob laugh.
Gee just merely grinned and said, "I'm just so sexy."
Frank looked at his left fingers and mumbled, "Guitar burn, Ray, guitar burn. Am I losing my touch?"
Ray patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're just not used to your acoustics anymore, my dear buddy."
You just never know with the two guitarists.
After Dad wrapped up the whole thing, MCR and the Sanders got to the cemetary where Mom was buried forever. Dad broke into another pack of hysterical tears and Phil's hand was yet again getting gentle strokes from Mandy. I had to bite back tears, but they ended up coming anyway. Mikey bear-hugged me and I sobbed on his shoulder.
After the mud was covering Mom's casket by six feet, it was my turn to say goodbye.
"You were a good mom. You were always there for me. At times we hit the rough road, but we smoothened it out anyway"----here the tears violently spilled down----"and you comforted me. You cared for me and put your own life on the line so I could breathe. For that, I thank you, Mom. I haven't had the chance to say this to you alot, Mom, but, I love you. I just wish you could hear me. I love you, Mom, very very much."
And the tears spilled, spilled, spilled until my body ran out of salt.
And until Mikey's shirt turned from black to even darker black. Yeah. Soaked in tears.
Soaked. In. Tears.