Status: Complete.

Dreams Only Last For A Night


I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the blinding sun as Taylor and I strolled down the side walk from my car towards the enormous brick building in front of us.

I hadn't wanted Alex to come with me as he would only distract me from my work. We were doing a phone interview with the main producer at a local record label.

Alex and the rest of All Time Low suggested that Taylor and I try to get a job as secretaries or something at the label, having no idea that we had dealt with working in the music business before. If we actually get the job we were going for Alex was going to be very surprised once we got home. For we weren't going for some petty desk job. We were going straight to the big guy on top to ask for sponsorship for a band.

Of course...we didn't have any other members but we were sure we could persuade the label to supply us with a couple of musicians.

We were met with an air conditioned breeze as we walked into the building and made our way over to the desk. We both agreed I would do all the talking since Taylor was extremely nervous. So was I...but definitely not as much.

"Hello." I smiled politely at the woman behind the desk. "I'm Isabella Price and this is Taylor Martin. We called about an hour ago and set up for a phone interviewer with Jack Barrow."

"Ah yes." The woman seemed to recognize us immediately and picked up her phone. "They're here." She said into the receiver while holding down a button on her desk. "He'll see you in about five minutes. You can just take a seat."

I nodded in thanks and we both took seats on opposite sides of a slate gray coffee table in the center of the waiting area.

"I'm about to shit my pants." Taylor said suddenly, looking around the room in all its professional glory.

"Don't worry Taylor. It's just a phone interview. We don't even have to see the guy. Unless we get the job...but at that time we'll already be in and won't have anything to worry about." I assured her, leaning over the table, trying to see my car out in the parking lot. "Do you remember if I locked the car?"

"I did." Taylor said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Why am I so God damned nervous?"

"I'm nervous too. It's normal. I's not like we technically ever did this before. So, just try and relax. The only thing that we really need to worry about is finding a band. You can take the manager job...which means we need three more members, give or take. If the company can't find anyone then we're screwed. We'll just have to settle for hitching rides with Alex to get on tour."

Taylor grunted.

I laughed quietly before standing up, seeing the receptionist wave us over. "Let's do this."

"Okay girls. Just go through this doorway and down the hall." She was pointing to a big wooden door to the right of her desk. "Keep going until you see a door marked 'Barrow'. That's Jack's office. He'll be in the room when you have the interview. Good luck." She smiled and went back to her desk, leaving us to venture through the door and hopefully get what we came for.

The office was easy enough to find as the woman had given us pretty clear instructions.
I knocked twice on the door and opened at the sound of a man's voice.

"Hello Mr. Barrow." I said with a polite smile, closing the door behind Taylor. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh, just call me Jack." The man laughed. He was a little plump and his gray beard moved up and down when he talked, but he seemed to have a very young outlook on life as he was dressed in a pair of slacks and a jacket that was probably bought at somewhere like Pac Sun. Not matching...but who was I to criticize my possible future boss?

"Okay Jack." I grinned, already feeling a home. "I'm Isabella and this is Taylor. As you know, we were hoping to get signed to your label."

"Yes yes." He smiled, motioning for us to take a seat as he dialed a number quickly into his phone and turned it on speaker so we could all hear. "We are going to be talking to my boss. If she likes you, you've got the job."

"No sweat." I shrugged my shoulders indifferently, clearing my throat and preparing to have the conversation that would ultimately change my life.


"Thanks Jack." I smiled on my way out, trying to hide my extreme excitement until I was safely out of his office.

"HOLY SHIT! I can't believe we got signed!" I shrieked loudly.

"I can't believe they got us a band." Taylor grinned.

I let out a large gust of air before walking back out into the waiting room and thanking the receptionist. We then made our way over to the car.

"We're going to meet them tomorrow. The band I we have just enough time to tell the guys." I reminded Taylor, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"I hope we didn't get a bunch of douche bags." Taylor whined. "Then there's no point in having a band. No one will like us anyways."

"I'm sure they're fine." I laughed. "But just in case, let's not get our hopes up for an excessively successful career."

Taylor nodded.

We got to our new apartment that we shared in less than ten minutes. It wasn't much. Definitely not as big as the one we had before but it was a step up from living with my mom.

"So? How'd it go?" Alex greeted me at the door.

"Well..." I said slowly, prolonging the suspense. "We got..."

"Got the job?"

"Even better."

"Just tell us!" Jack whined from beside Alex.

"We got signed to a record label and if things work out we're set to go on tour with you guys next month." It all came out in a rush and from the stares I was getting from the guys I thought they might not have heard me. "Uh...guys? Did you hear me?"

None of them answered. Instead Jack cheered loudly and Alex and Zack pulled Taylor and I into a big group hug.

"OH my GOD! I can't believe this!" Alex said into my ear. "This is amazing!"

"Where's your band?" Rian asked, killing the mood.

"Well..." Taylor started.

"We're meeting them tomorrow actually." I finished. "Three guys. A drummer, guitarist, and bassist."

"Sounds good to me." Jack grinned. He walked off into the small living room with Zack and Rian, followed by Taylor, leaving me alone in the entrance with Alex.

"Three guys?" He asked with a pouting look. "I don't need more competition."

I laughed. "You have no competition." I kissed him quickly on the lips before joining everyone else in front of the TV.


"I said it before. I'll say it again. I hope they aren't a bunch of wanna-be douche bags." Taylor informed me as the six of us walked over to the building where we were supposed to meet our new band mates and where we got our label the day before.

Alex hadn't taken his eyes off of me more for more than a minute, making it clear to any other guy that I was off limits, probably still worried about the fact that I was going to be working with a group of strange guys every single day.

We walked into the building single file and I asked the now familiar receptionist where we were supposed to go. She pointed me back to the same room where we had the phone interview.

"I'm nervous again." Taylor whispered to me as I opened the door slowly.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my head through the crack of the door. "Can we come in?"

Jack nodded and waved me in. He was on the phone at the moment. I slid into the room followed by Taylor, leaving the guys outside of the door.

"They should be here soon." Jack said as soon as he hung up the phone. "That was them. They got stuck in traffic but they're walking in now."

I couldn't help but feel nervous, knowing that I was about to meet the people that would become my life for the next couple of years. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Jack called.

I didn't turn around to see who walked in. I tried to look profession and only turned to smile at them when they were a good foot away from the back of my chair. When I did I was met with a huge surprise.

"Hey Jack." The boy in front shook his hand and turned to me. "You must be Isabella. I'm Skyler. This is Declan, and this is Kale."

♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, the end.