You Still Love Me Right?

The Parting

They say when one bit of your life goes up,
Another comes crashing down.
They say when you do something wrong,
Karma comes after you.

I ran over to the bus after sound check, knowing Alex had been feeling a little weird about being on tour. She was so unsure of it all, and all I wanted to do was to reassure her that I was still here for her, here with her. As I boarded the bus, I realised everything was deathly silent. Something wasn't quite right, I was getting a bad vibe from being on the bus and it scared me. Walking through to the sleeping area, I saw Alex's suitcase closed, which was normal, but zipped up? And nothing lying around it. It was as if she had packed to go somewhere. I rushed back outside of the bus, trying to shake the feeling of foreboding which was taking over me.

I looked up; it was Alex, "Alex! I was coming to find you. Your bags are packed, someone must have been tidying."
She looked at the ground and another wave of fear rushed over me, "No Gee. I packed them."
"I have to go."
"Go where?"
"Away. Back to England."
In that second all my fears were reaslised, "You…you're leaving.""I'm so sorry."
I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, "But why?"
"This…this has all got so manic, plus I have to finish school!"
"You can't! You can't just leave like this, without any warning," I felt the hot tears stream down my face as I broke down, "You can't just pick your stuff up and walk away when you please, it's just, no. It's not right, it shouldn't be like this."
"Gee I'm sorry! This is killing me to have to do this."
"Then why are you?"
"Because I don't have a choice. I have to get back, I have to finish school, I have to carry on with my life. I've been part of yours for too long now."
"So that's it?"
"I'm sorry." She said softly, "I don't see another way."
"But…I love you." I looked up, into her sparkling brown eyes, now shimmering with tears.
"Please don't say that. Don't, just don't. It makes this all so much harder."
I wanted so badly to pull her into my arms and tell her everything would be fine, that we would be ok, I…I'll quit the band. We can stay together and it will make everything so much easier."
"No. Don’t even think that. You can't."
"What can I do to make you stay?" She looked away, "There's nothing I can do is there. Nothing I can say, no amount of convincing will make you stay will it. I just have to watch you walk away from me, don't I."
"I'm so sorry." She walked away, on to the bus. I couldn't watch this happen but somehow I had to. I had to watch her leave. She came back out with her bag and looked at me one last time, "I love you too."

I stared blankly as the taxi drove away with the one person I had felt I had a chance with inside.

Just convincing her to come on tour was a good thing.
I should have known.
It wouldn't stay like that.
Karma and fate come,
And bite down hard.