I Hate What You Do To Me

Unexpected Happenings

Third Person POV
"Frank can you undo us now?"
"Er…yeah sure. Just…"
"Um…I just might have done…" the short black haired guy said with an apologetic smile.
"Oh my god I'm stuck to you forever."
"Which is what you want." Frank said pecking the girl's lips.
"HEV!" came a cry, accompanied by a bang on the door.
"Why does everyone try and knock my door down?" Heather sighed, walking over to the door. She opened it to find her friend Chloe standing in the doorway looking aggravated, "CHLOE!"
"Forgetting something?" said Chloe, a hint of anger in her voice.
"YOUR PETS!" Heather's eyes went wide as Chloe's expression changed to upset and furious, "Exactly, clearly you were too caught up with your little boyfriend to remember that you had FRIENDS and PETS."
"Chloe I'm so sorry, it's just been a bit hectic recently."
"I noticed. Well here they are, and here I am."
"EEEE THANK YOU!" she squealed whilst hugging Chloe, bringing Frank in the hug too, "Ufgh, I found the key..."
"YAY! Unlock!" Frank unlocked the handcuffs, finally releasing them both, "Don't run away from me…" But Frank's plea was drowned out by barking and mewing, "Oooh I've missed you guys so much!" Heather exclaimed, trying to hug the assortment of dogs and cats at the same time, "Er..Chloe is it?" Frank said, slightly unsure of himself.
"Um…" He just stared at the mass of animals that were currently pinning Heather to the ground, clearly excited about seeing her again, "Her pets." Chloe said, as if that explained everything. Frank just nodded and looked down at the ecstatic Heather, "I've got my babies back!"
"Aw..happy families again!" smiled Chloe.
"AAHH DOG ON THE LOOSE!" Frank yelled as he was knocked to the ground by a dog.
"Heehee, you go Jack!" giggled Heather.
"What's that Frankie? Something wrong? Aw he likes you!" The two girls fell apart into fits of laughter as Frank was slobbered on by the dog in question. He finally managed to push Jack off and got up, wiping his mouth, "Eurgh, dog kisses. Bleh. Much rather have one of yours." He muttered, grabbing Heather and kissing her.
"Ewww get a JACK!"
"JACK NO!" Heather pulled herself out of Frank's grasp and ran after the dog who was heading straight for the road, "HEATHER!" Chloe and Frank yelled as she ran into the road, "JACK!"
"HEATHER LOOK OUT!" The sounds of the dogs barking and the car's horn drowned out Heather's scream as she saw it coming straight for her, "NO!"