I Hate What You Do To Me

Please Remember

Chloe's POV
I'd never heard anyone be in such a panic. Frank had been yelling down the phone about Heather being awake, and something else which I couldn't work out. I just told him to shut up and that I would be down as soon as possible. I marched down the corridor, heading for Heather's room and found a distraught Frank sitting outside with his head in his hands, crying, "Frank?"
He looked up, his eyes red from the tears which were spilling from them, "She...doesn't know who I am. It's like she's just forgotten me. I don't know what to do, she nearly called security!"
Confusion took over my brain as I tried to figure out what was going on, "Um…I'll go see her." I left Frank in his sorrowful state and walked into Heather's room. She looked up as she heard me walk in and her face broke into a smile, "Chloe!"
"Oh thank God Hev! You're awake! We were so damn worried!"
She looked at me, mystified, "Who's Frank?"
My heart dropped to the floor, "You really don’t remember him?"
"No…I don't know a Frank." She said, shaking her head slowly.
"What do you remember?"
"I…I don't know."
"Ok…do you remember Italy?"
She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. I sat down on her bed, desperate to help her, "Do…you remember your pets? Jack?"
"Jack! Is he ok? I remember...something. A car, everything went black. It hurt a lot, Jack, is he ok?"
I smiled, "He's fine, it's you who got the bad time! The car hit you."
"Oh…that explains the ouchyness."
"Yeah…and the memory loss." Before she could reply, a doctor and two nurses walked in to the room, "We heard you were awake. We need to carry out some checks on you."
"Um..ok." she said warily. She hated hospitals, and doctors with their "checks" and shit.
"Right, has there been anything abnormal since you woke up?"
I raised an eyebrow at Hev, who nodded at me, "Er, yeah. She's having trouble remembering some stuff, mainly one particular person and a period of time just before the accident."
The doctor started shining a torch in her eyes, much to her discomfort, "Hmm well that's not surprising. You did take quite a blow." he replied with a chuckle. Heather gave him a look that said "stick the light in my eye again and you'll make a hungry shark happy."
"Well, we're going to have to give you therapy for your memory loss, and if the people you do remember could give you some help, like, places which might help you remember, objects, anything, then we may be able to get it back."
"What happens if I don't?" Hev asked quietly.
"Um, well, then you have to start again…with everything."
"And what are the chances of that happening?" She stared at her lap, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.
"It's 50/50."