I Hate What You Do To Me

Lost Hope

Frank walked into the room which held the girl he loved slowly, as if one going to his death, "Hey Frank."
"Hi." He said, his voice cracking already. He hated being around her when she didn't remember who he was. It was breaking him but he couldn’t leave her. He had to be around her, "They..they said you wanted to see me."
"Yeah. Sian told me the, our, story. The whole story."
"So…you know everything." He couldn't look her in the eye, fearing he would break down if he did.
"Yes, I know everything. I know what happened, I know what you did to me and I know we only had less than a day together as a couple. And I'm sorry I can't remember you, I want to, really I do, I just…can't."
"Why just me?"
"I don't know. I really don't know. It's like a hole in my mind, there's nothing there."
"Not…not even if I do this?" He leant forward slowly, and kissed her. Ending the kiss, he looked hopefully at her, pleading with her to remember even just a tiny bit of their time together, anything. She looked back at him, a sadness she had never felt washing over her, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing." He stated, trying to come to terms with it. She took his hand in hers, "Frank please look at me."
"I can't. I won't make it, I'll break. You have no idea how hard this is, seeing the one person you've ever loved more than life itself forget you completely."
"I don't know what I can do apart from say, we can start again, as friends." At that, he pulled his hand out of hers and ran from the room, the tears escaping his eyes as he ran down the corridor, "Frank! Frank!"
"Leave me alone. I want to be alone. I don't want anyone around me. She doesn't remember me she never will, I just want to leave."
Bob ran after the grief stricken man and grabbed his arm, "Come on you can start again."
"As friends?! I can't do that. I love her, she just…I…Leave me alone. I just want to be alone." He wrenched his arm from Bob's firm grip and ran, Bob following, "Don't do anything stupid Frank. You know there's still a chance."
"There's no chance Bob! Nothing!" They were out on the pavement by now, Frank turned to look at Bob, "She'll never remember me. I don't want to be her friend, I want to be more than her friend."
"Start again! Maybe that will happen. You don't know until you've tried."
"There's no point in trying. She'll never like me again like that. Never."
"Frank, come away from the edge. You don't know that. You have to give it a chance, nothing's impossible."
"I'm sorry Bob." Frank said, as he took a step back, into the path of an oncoming car.