I Hate What You Do To Me

Start Again

"Guys! He's opening his eyes!"
"Frankie? Fraaaankie? Can you hear me?"
"Mr Iero, please move your hand if you can hear us." Frank moved his hand briefly.
"YAY he can hear us!"
"It's…it's hard…not to." Frank mumbled, opening one eye slowly. Standing around him were his band, Chloe and Sian looking upset and worried. Bob was looking down at him, his eyes a mixture of confusion, upset, anger and frustration, "Bob…" Frank croaked.
"Why Frankie? Why would you do that?"
Frank looked down at his hands, ashamed of what he had done, "Bob I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I thought, I thought maybe if I did it I'd forget her. I'd forget the pain, we could start not knowing each other. I thought...it would help."
"You could have got yourself killed!"
"It would have stopped the pain." He replied quietly, avoiding all eye contact with anyone in the room.
"Do you know what it's like to watch your best friend try and do something like that? Do you have any idea how it feels to see a car mow someone you treat as your brother down?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to see that. I don't know what else I can say, I'm ashamed? I am and I understand if you can't forgive me."
"I can forgive you. I'm not going to hold it against you. I just want you to promise you'll give it another go with her, even though you have to start from scratch and don't fucking try anything like this again."
"Thanks Bob. Gimme a huuuug!" He held his arms out with a huge grin plastered across his face.
"Ah you stupid midget." Bob laughed, giving his friend a hug.

"Frank?' Heather said as she poked her head round his door once everyone else had left.
"You can walk!"
"Yeah just about." She said with a smile, "Um, so I heard what happened. They told me." He stared at his hands again. Heather hobbled over to his bed and sat down, crossing her legs as she faced Frank, "It's ok. Well it's not, I mean it was bloody stupid and you better not do anything like it again."
"You…you care?"
"Of course I do Frank! Even if I'm having difficulty remembering us, I believe you, I believe we happened and…" she trailed off, afraid of what he might say to her thoughts.
"And?" he asked, hoping she would say what he dreamed she would.
"I…Ihopewecangiveitanothergo." She said in one breath.
Frank tried to suppress a grin, "Sorry didn't catch that. What did you say?" She looked at him straight in the eyes as he fought the grin and lost, "You could give the Cheshire Cat a run for his money with that grin." She remarked.
"Come here come here come here." He opened his arms and pulled her into him, "I've dreamt you'd say that."
"Tell me something about us Frankie."
"Hmm, ooh I know. When we got back to England, I handcuffed you to me so you couldn't run away from me. We went to Thorpe Park, or was it Alton Towers, one of the two. They're the same. Anyway, we jumped a queue by crawling through people's feet and tying their shoelaces together. And then I dragged you onto the log ride thing and because of the handcuffs you ended up facing me and going backwards which freaked you out a lot and you just swearing the whole time until I kissed you. That shut you up. Yeah…that was a good day." He said, smiling at the memory, "Ooh and that was the day you called me your boyfriend." She smiled and sighed softly, a hint of sadness taking over as she lay in his arms, "Then there was the night we first spent handcuffed to each other. You just weren't impressed by it at all but in the morning I woke up to find you much like we are now and you didn't mind. You're cute asleep by the way." He kissed her forehead as she smiled to herself, "I wish I could remember."
"I wish you could too, although there are some things I'm glad you don't remember, even if you know what happened."
"Yeah well, I know you won't do that again."
"You're right. I've got you exactly where I want you now and you're not leaving. Ever."