I Hate What You Do To Me

Fun and Games

Third person POV
Life being handcuffed to Frank for Heather had been pretty manic. He just never stayed still, even when he was asleep which she found annoying since chucking him out meant her going with him, "Heaaaatheeeeer." Frank whined.
"I'm booooored."
"Doooo somethiiiing. And don't take that the wrong way." Frank grinned at her, "What on Earth could you mean?" She rolled her eyes and said, "What shall we do?"
"That's fucking ages away you moron."
"YAY!" Frank squealed, jumping on Heather, "I wuuv youuu."
"Can't…breathe…." He got off her and pulled her up, smirking in the way that he knew drove her mad. She coloured a little but marched off to any form of transport she could find to get them to Alton Towers, Frank practically falling over as he tried to keep up with her.

They had hardly time to breathe before Frank dragged Heather off in search of a good roller coaster to go on, "AHAHAHA you have to come on the rides I like!" he squealed, "This is gonna be so much fun!"
"Sorry to burst your bubble Frankie-poo, but I'm not scared of roller coasters." Frank pouted and made puppy dog eyes, "Dude I can't suddenly become scared…"
"Fine." He picked her up bridal style and ran to the nearest ride, "This one's got a loop the loop! Yay!" As they joined the queue for the ride, Frank became very aware of a lot of odd stares being thrown in his direction. He ducked down in an attempt to hide himself, causing Heather to end up in his lap, "Well hello there."
"Yeah sorry, I'm trying to hide. I don't want scary people ruining our day together."
"One of many…" Boredom began to kick in as it frequently did all too quickly with Frank and he started to look for something to amuse himself with, "Heather…"
"Yuh huh?"
"What do you think people would do if I tied their laces together?"
"Oh..my..God, that would be so funny!" The two quickly got to work crawling through the queue, carefully tying people's shoelaces together. Eventually they found themselves at the front of the queue, "Hey! How did you two get here?!" a random man asked, glaring at them.
"Errr…we time warped." Heather giggled as Frank lead her on to the ride. Frank clung to Heather, "I'M SCARED!"
"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" They screamed their way up the first ramp…and through the entire ride, Heather bursting into fits of giggles as Frank got more and more agitated by the ride, "I…thought…you weren't…scared." She gasped through laughs.
"I'm not." Frank said stubbornly before stalking off in the direction of the log ride, "Fra- AAH!" She yelled as Frank's walking pulled her to the ground, bringing Frank down with her. They lay there on the ground laughing together, earning some weird looks, "You're such a fucktard!" Heather laughed.
"Me?! A fucktard! So…true! Right. You. Up. Frank wants to go on the log ride."
"But we'll get wet…" she whined.
"Stop your whinging or I'll throw you in the lake."
"Yeah and you'll end up in there with me."
"Good point." He picked her up again and ran over to the log ride, barging through the six year olds with their parents, "Frank you're so damn rude."
"Heeeheee I know." They got on, but soon found a slight difficulty. The handcuffs made it hard to sit behind each other, "Fine I'll go backwards." Heather said and turned around to face Frank, "Shit shit shit I'm going to regret this."
"I'm not. I get to stare at your lovely face for the ride." Heather's eyes narrowed as Frank spoke, "You're just not scary." He said as the ride started up. Heather closed her eyes as the log began to go up the ramp, "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck."
She felt Frank take her hand in his and give it a squeeze.
Frank leaned forward and brushed some hair out of Heather's face.
He leaned forward a bit more.
Her eyes flew open as Frank pressed his lips to hers. He pulled away as the log levelled out but soon had Heather caught in another kiss. As their log came to the top of the ramp down, Frank pulled Heather as close as he could to him, "Three, two, one.." he whispered. She shrieked as the log began its speedy descent to the water below. Both were completely soaked by the oversized splash of water, "Shit I'm sopping!" said Heather, "Everything's sticking to me!" Frank smirked at her and put an arm around her waist, since that was all he could manage with the cuffs still on, "Maybe so, but you look damn hot." He said before lowering his lips onto hers again, "Eurgh some people really need to GET A ROOM!" A preppy looking girl said in disgust. Heather broke the kiss and looked at the girl who was with her boyfriend, "Well, you try having a boyfriend this hot and keeping your hands off him." The girl made a face at Heather and stalked off, dragging her boyfriend with her. Frank looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Boyfriend eh?"
Heather smiled shyly, "Unless you don't want to be."
"Oh hell yes! Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this?!"
"Yeah…I think I have some idea."
Frank smirked, "You evil cow."
"You love me really."
"Fuck yes I do." Frank replied before pulling Heather in for another kiss.