Everyone Has A Purpose, What's Yours?


"You look confused."
Tabby crossed her arms,"No shit Sherlock. Wouldn't you be?"
A smile spread over Gerard's face, "I guess I would. What are you confused about?"
"How I'm supposed to help you and what we've got to do."
"Oh. Yeah I'm not sure about that, but I'm guessing, we have a certain amount of time to get me back to my now body. Before I die."
"Riight. So…"
"We better get going. Come with." He led her out the room and downstairs, "Hey mum! I'm off out for a bit. Clear my head."
"Ok sweetie!"
Gerard smiled his approval, "Good one." They walked back out into the downpour and on up to the fields near Tabby's house, "Ok take my hand." Gerard said.
"Just take it."
She raised an eyebrow, "Not until you tell me why."
"We're not going to get anywhere by walking, now just take my fucking hand."
"Stop quoting your own songs." She said, putting her hand in his. He looked to the sky for a moment before looking back at Tabby who was watching him, "Look down." He smiled. Tabby looked and saw she was nearing twenty feet up in the air, "HOLY SHIT!" she cried, grabbing on to Gerard for dear life.
"Don't worry, I won't let go of you."
"I've always wanted to fly."
"Aw you're so cute."
"Shup." Gerard just grinned and continued to carry them towards the coast and in the general direction of America.

"Tabby. Taaaabbbby."
"You fell asleep and we're nearly there." Tabby rubbed her eyes with her free hand and looked down. They were travelling fast over land which was quickly turning into an urban landscape, "Welcome to Jersey."
"New Jersey?"
"Yup. Home sweet home. Prepare for landing Tabster." They descended until they landed on a street, "Wow, I hope no-one saw that." Remarked Tabby.
"Me three. Welcome to my street."
"Awesome. Where do we go now?"
"Er…the hospital I guess." They began walking, Gerard stopping to look in the window of a house which Tabby assumed to be his. He sighed and carried on walking, Tabby not far behind him, "Can you try and keep up?"
"Sure, sorry."
"It's ok, it's just I don't know what could happen to us, you mainly, and I don't want anything bad to happen. Enough of that has happened already." Tabby caught up with him and they carried on walking side by side. Every so often they would pass someone wearing My Chemical Romance merchandise, and every time this happened, Gerard would have a look of helplessness on his face, "I feel so useless like this. I'm meant to help people, not be helped."
"Hey, everyone needs help sometimes. And you have helped people, more than it's possible for you to know."
"Thanks Tabby."

"Well, here it is." The remorseful man stated as they stood outside the hospital.
"Let's go see the other you." Tabby took his hand and walked in the door, but Gerard didn't follow. She turned around to see him standing outside, "Are you coming in or not?" she said, walking back over to him.
"Um, I would but I can't."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I can't go in. I'm not allowed, it's physically impossible."
Tabby sighed, "This was never going to be that easy."