Status: Complete.

Picture Perfect

Feeling Below Par at the Reunion

Emily had had quite a difficult time planning the reunion. Contacting her family was a chore. One she did not want to do, but yet she did it anyways.

Hopefully Bobby will be able to come, Emily thought to herself. She had invited him but he had not yet répondez s'il vous plaît’d to her invitation regarding the reunion.

Emily told Melanie of this, and Melanie had attempted to talk Bobby into going. He had not responded well to this, and he had not spoken to Emily or Melanie since. Emily thought he was being rather childish about the whole ordeal.

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Emily invited me to the reunion. I should go….but ever since I met her…I just couldn’t look her directly in her eyes. What is wrong with me?

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The night before the reunion Aunt Ella, Emily’s aunt on the paternal side, called to inform the family that she would not be attending the reunion, but her twenty-six year old son, Richard would attend it.

Emily did not remember ever having met Richard, but she was told many times that Richard, Bobby, and her and all been nearly inseparable. She could not fathom being so close to these two cousins, yet not recalling ever having met them in her life. There were pictures, so this could not be denied.

- - - - -

The Reunion

Emily was surprised at who had shown up to the reunion she had loosely thrown together in her spare time. Everyone she had invited, excluding Aunt Ella and her brother Uncle Pat. Even Bobby showed up. Emily was most surprised at that.

Everyone hugged and ate. Bruce, Emily’s father, never once even looked at the alcohol on the “for adults” table.


Bobby: Why did I turn away as soon as I saw Richard?

Richard: Oh, look, there’s Robert and Emily…

Emily: …What’s going on? Why do I feel so…ill…just looking at Richard? What is happening to me? I just want him to leave…


Nobody, except Richard, would know the meaning of these feelings until later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading ☺.Sorry for lack of updates -- personal issues. Comments & Criticism are much appreciated.

Loose ends will soon be tied. Formatting is "weird" for a reason, not just boredom.
And in case you didn't notice....foreshadowing...
