My Chemical Romance's Next Top Model

Chapter 3: The Photo Shoot

Still Mitchie’s point of view

After we had our breakfast we heard the front door open and out comes…Jay!

“Good Morning girls!!” Jay said cheerfully.

“hi Jay!!”

“did y’all sleep well last night?”

“yeah…ask Frankie” I said totally teasing Frankie

“what?!” Frankie asked me as if she did a heinous crime.

“you slept like a frozen lard last night Frankie! Not even a noise of a jackhammer would wake you up!” I explained to her and everyone laughed.

“oh..” was all she could manage to say.

“well, well, now today is your photo shoot for your ‘fantasies’…now let’s get you all ready” Jay said finally.

“oh gosh this is so gonna be exciting! I get to be Paris Hilton…minus the blonde hair! Oh wait maybe I’ll look like Audrey Hepburn! She’s a brunette! Ahihihi!!!” Gee rambled on.

“yeah except that Audrey Hepburn is old!” Betty countered.

“oh shut up Betty! Well she used to be a classic beauty when she was young!” Gee answered back.

And I just rolled my eyes knowing that my sister is not only a diva and a drama queen but also a creepy-ass hyper girl!

The rest of the trip to the studio was filled with excited giggling girls (though we’re supposed to be models…) and yes that includes me. I wonder what I would look like in a pink tutu? I’ve never dressed as a ballerina before not even in Halloween. Hmm, I guess I just have to wait then.

As we arrive in the studio filled with various backgrounds for all of us, the photographer announced that the order to the photo shoot will be as follows: Rhea will be the First one followed by Me then Betty, then Frankie and the last would be Gee.

We all went to the hair and make up section then the costume fitting. while waiting for our turn we watch as Rhea went in first.

Woah! Rhea did look like Shakira! She wore the dress when Shakira did the video for “hips don’t lie”

“okay Rhea…strike a pose. on three…”


“beautiful!” the Photographer exclaimed

“oookay! That’s a rap! Thanks Rhea! Mitchie it’s you turn sweetie!”

camera flashes were every where and soon it was my turn. I kinda had a hard time walking with this leotard! This thing was tight as hell!

It’s time for my pose the as the most graceful ballerina! Hahaha! Yeah right!


“excellent! Betty! you’re next, hun!”

I quickly changed into something casual then watched Betty’s cat woman themed photo shoot! …complete with her super sexy tight black leather suit and cat-eyed contacts!


“done! Now it’s Frankie’s turn”

Frankie was wearing a semi formal gown (more like a cocktail dress) and had this diamond studded pink tiara. Oh, how cute.

“hehehe” I snickered.

“What’s so funny Mitchie?” asked Frankie

“Oh nothing! It’s just that you’re so cute in a pink tiara”

“Is that a compliment or you’re just mocking me?” Frankie frowned.

“Of course it’s a compliment, silly!”

Soon after Frankie mastered her princess pose…at last it was Gee’s turn. Gee was in a red V-neck top with a plunging neckline and a mini skirt with ultra high 3 inches tall red stilettos. woah! Talk about Paris Hilton turned brunette!

“damn! These stilettos are scary” Gee said while gently walking avoiding falling flat on her face.

“kay Gee…are you ready? On three…!”

After all of us are done Jay finally exclaimed, “okay girls! That’s a rap! Good job!”

“Phew! I’m glad that was over!” said Rhea

“Yeah! These heels are killing me!” Gee complained of her aching feet.

All of us that a sigh of relief and went home worrying who’s gonna be eliminated…or not…hey, I hope this would not be a non-elimination challenge.