Club Scene Insanity


Typical teenagers. They throw big parties. Overflowing with thirty racks of cheap beer, six packs of Mike's Hard or Smirnoff Ice. Stocked with handles of typical 'teenage' booze, most likely Smirnoff or Zenka. The stench of booze is often mixed with whiffs of marijuana, followed by laughing, coughing, or throwing up. Good looking, muscle boys wearing jeans and t-shirts with arms around skinny girls with long straight hair, wearing tank tops and jean skirts. These girls have consumed so much alcohol they can no longer stand, in which they need the help of a strong muscle man. This strong muscle man is more than delighted to help out his drunken lady friend with intentions of an evening of fun. This party continues until all of the guests are either in the bedrooms behind closed doors having a good time, or in the bathroom puking.

On another side of town, other parties occur with non-typical teenagers. Teenagers of all ages. Teenagers who never grew up. Teenagers still re-living their teenage years. Teenagers who may have grown up just a little too fast. These parties are underground, located in a deserted warehouse or basement. If one thinks for a minute that these underground parties are substance free, they should be slapped. The undergound clubs take it one step farther. These parties are overflowing with psychedelic drugs, and heart warming pills. In the corner, an eighteen year old girl is dropping acid in the form of a purple sweet tart. In the bathroom, an twenty eight year old man is blowing a sparkling line of cocaine. In the back, a forty year old woman is flying high with her crystal meth. On the stairs a fourteen year old girl is munching down on a sandwich filled with magical mushrooms. On stage, thirty two year old man is sucking on a glass piece containing opium. Somewhere lost in the crowd, is a black haired, fair skinned boy, wearing electric bright colors. He is rolling along on a handfull of pills.