Werewolf Pet

This is another quizilla read that I had. I'm gonna be doing a lot of revision on this one. ^.^ And my other one. After all, I have lots of time and nothing to do with that time. XD heh heh

Nat - main character... has pet issues?

Diman - a wolf... that acts human.... weird

Sylver - Nat's ex-boyfriend / best friend.

Ami - Nat's Bestfriend that is very determined

Baylie - Nat's mom

Lurent - annoying neighbor

Madison - Lurent's mom, kinda nice

Tim - Lurent's dad, super hot man candy, for an old guy

Jack - the ever loveable cat

Comes later:
James "Jamie" McFarlane - Nataline's friend who is gay and still single (poor guy)
  1. Bam
    Meet the new family member
  2. Road Rage
    Day One of Diman
  3. Creek
    Night One With Diman
  4. Stalker
    so, can Nat handle her pet?
  5. Memory Lane
    if there was only one more day.... one more chance...maybe...
  6. Scheme
    moms just have a way of....scheming...
  7. Seating
    happy happy joy joy
  8. Surprise!
    and there goes the trip....maybe...
  9. Breakfast
    Ami....Sylver....so wheres Nat?
  10. Message!
    Crazy Moms do what Crazy Moms do
  11. Groundation
    Problem 1: SOLVED!! Problem 2: ...uh... i'll get back to you...
  12. Rusty
    *cue dramatic music*
  13. Kittens and Neighbors
    interest in pets gone wrong?
  14. Lurent
    new neighbors -pros and cons
  15. Fuzzy Sippers
    meet James "Jamie" McFarlane