Status: Complete. =)

The Lies Beyond the Darkness of the Veil

Dream Alone

When you left, I died inside and my heart was torn to pieces, I always thought we'd be together but then I had to mess it up, I don't know what I could've done to make you so unsatisfied, you could've just said that you were done with me, back then I would've been upset but just for a while, now I remain dead and quiet, I still can't believe your face is in my head, I pray for the day, you lose something close to your souls


NOw that you're not mine, now that you don't need me, now that you chose him over me I just have to say that you'll never see me again, I'm gone here, who can set me free, nobody can, but I need somebody to save me, this is the plea I send out to you, somebody save me God I'm so close to the end, I'm locked in a dark cell, where I have to dream alone of what could have been between us I feel dead, don't you DARE tell her you love her in front of my eyes, you'll bring out the flame in me, I might just make you bleed so hard, you might be near death


You stole my heart away, I'm calling for it back so I can set me free from your grasp, if I ever see you again, I'll be sent of the dge, Tom if you want her, go ahead and take her but get the hell out of my sight, I sense that we're going to fight, one of us is leaving the band forevermore, and I know that it aint going to be me, but if it's the right thing, since I know it is, you could be in the band but find a new leader, I quit and set myself free of your lying existence!

(Chorus x3)

I don't need anyone, I don't need anyone to try and save me, I'm already falling off the edge, off the edge into the streams of insanity, of all people to try and save me it better not be either of you, if you lay your hands and me and try to stop me from drowning in insanity's rivers, I'll pull you down withme I'm not playing around, you betrayed my trust and I gave the rest to the lying bitch you f**ked

(Chorus x3)

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"Fur Immer Heilig Sein" ONLY!!!!! :D Bill's sad that of all people his girlfr-well EX- had to cheat on him with, it was his own twin. Now, all he's got are his dreams of what could've been of the two, as in B & Emily. :D :D :D :D :D

2: Starts out with piano and one lead voice but with the choir it goes power metal anthem from the first vocal note on the chorus to the final chorus lines. :D