You Brought Me Your Sorrow, I Brought You My Love


Jamia’s POV

I took the time every weekend to visit my best friend, Annie. I was handling her clothing line business since she was admitted into the hospital for serious treatments. When I met her, I realized she was becoming thinner and now, she sported a wig similar to her exact hair whenever she spent time with her daughter.

“She’s scared of me when I’m bald,” Annie smiled, but I knew she was disappointed that things were hardly the same since she got sick. She could hardly play with her child. I was glad to deliver good news about her rising business every week. Those good news brought smiles to her face.

“Jamia, can you do me a favor?” she asked me one day when both of us sat together in her room, having a snack.

“Sure. What is it?” I smiled.

“I want you to manage Daiquiri Black if I die.”

“Annie, that’s ridiculous. You’re having, by far, the best leukemia treatments now. You’ll get better, buddy.”

“Jamia, please. I’m serious. Besides, I don’t feel like I’m getting any better. This business means a lot to me. I may not live that long, but whatever happens, it’s better to have a plan than to panic in the future later.”

I revised her words many times, finding no absolute reason to defy it. She was right.

“Are you sure you want me to run it?”

“Yes, I trust you. You’ve been awesome since forever. I don’t know how to thank you, Jamia. You’ve helped me a lot.”

“But…where will the profit go? Now, it goes to your account but what if-”

“If I die, the profit will go to Daniella’s account. I’ve opened one for her. When she turns 20, if she wants it, she can have the business.”

“Have you discussed this with Gerard?”

“No,” she looked down, “He hates it if I bring it up.”

“He’s afraid?”

“Death happens, Jamia. I’m ready to face mine. I hope…I hope he will understand it.”

Emily’s POV

“Sorry, I’m late.” I took a seat facing Gerard in the small, private coffee house. I had no idea how long he waited for me. I departed from Australia on the evening, the day before. He was wearing a huge black pair of shades and a cap to cover his blond locks.

“Alright. So you called me and here I am. Why do you want to see me?” I asked, turning off my cell phone.

“I’m sure you know about Annie’s sickness,” he started, “I need your help.” ‘Sickness? What sickness?’

“Annie’s sick?” I questioned him. The fear I had when Mom died in the hospital began to return.

“You didn’t know?” Gerard was surprised.

“Annie didn’t tell me she’s sick. Every day when I call her she said she’s fine.”

“Oh God,” Gerard sighed, “What the fuck is she doing this for?”

“Tell me, Gerard. What is happening to Annie?”

“She’s suffering from…serious leukemia.”

“WHAT?!” I felt as if lightning had struck me to death as I leaned back against my chair.

“It’s been 3 months already. I’m really sorry she never told you about it.”

“Oh no…” my voice was trembling and I quickly reached for tissues in my purse, wiping the drop of tears rolling down from my eyes. “I can’t believe…she’s…she’s having this…”

“I’m doing my best to find ways to save her. I’ve gotten her the best treatments and she was doing good but…but the doctor told me she can’t depend on her medicines and her other treatments too much. She’s growing worse each time.”

“How is she now?’

“She’s at the hospital and resting, constantly supervised. Her best friend Jamia is managing her business now. Twice a week she goes for chemo. Every month she gets new supplies of prescription drugs to help her holding on. These treatments won’t help her for the long haul.”

“You said you need my help. How can I help you; or Annie?”

“The doctor told me that she has a huge chance of survival if she goes through allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. A blood related family member, if compatible with her blood type, can donate healthy bone marrow to her, and she will survive and recover. You are my only hope, because Annie doesn’t have any one left other than you. Daniella is too little for this operation. I’m counting on you.” Gerard explained to me and sighed, taking a sip of his coffee.

“When do we get started?”

* * *

I was waiting in Annie’s room after the nurse took my blood sample. Annie was in a long nap after she had consumed 12 different pills. She had apologized to me for keeping her sickness a secret from me. She said she didn’t want me to worry about her and got myself in a fight with my husband because of her. I realized what a selfish person I was; valuing my husband more than my own sister.

“I hope it’s compatible,” I muttered, touching Annie’s motionless hand. She was already bald and pale. Her lips were so dry that they bled.

“Thank you for your help,” Gerard said to me. He had Daniella in his arms, feeding her with orange-flavored rusk.

“No, I’m the one who should be thankful because if it wasn’t you who told me about this, I would regret it if I couldn’t help her at all, and not even trying to.”

I spent the night at Annie’s house, taking Daniella along to bed with me. Gerard stayed at the hospital instead. He was kind enough to let me spend some time alone with my cute, adorable and friendly niece. Daniella was entertaining and never fussy. Annie was lucky to have her. I wished I were as lucky.

“Hello, this is Emily. Who’s there?” I answered my cell phone when I heard it ringing. I let Daniella watched Strawberry Shortcake all by herself. She was clapping and laughing at the cartoon characters.

“Hey, it’s Gerard.” He sounded weary and…sad. I was afraid something bad had happened.

“Gerard, are…are you okay?” Is there anything wrong? Annie’s fine, right?”

“The test result of your blood sample came out today. It’s…it’s not a match. You can’t donate her your bone marrow.”

“That’s…but that’s not true! I’M HER SISTER! We shared the same Mom! Why is my blood not compatible?!”

“Emily, please,” Gerard tried to calm me down “Not everyone in a family share the same blood type. Yours is different from Annie’s.

“What…what are we going to do now?” I sobbed on the phone. Daniella was looking at me. She was no longer interested on the television.

“I…I don’t know,” Gerard sighed and hung up in a sudden.